This is the story of a boy who grew up on a farm northwest of Lynden, WA, attended Ebenezer Christian School and Lynden High School, went away to Calvin College and Seminary in Grand Rapids, MI, married Fran Burghgraef of Whitinsville, MA, served church in Seattle, WA. Fran Lou had four children, Dan, Mavis, Joel, Jan. Lou joined the USAF as chaplain in 1962, served at bases: K I Sawyer AFB, Upper Peninsula in MI; Elmendorf AFB, Anchorage, AK; Key West Naval Air Station, FL; Bergstrom AFB, Austin TX; Tan Son Knut AB, Saigon, VN; Luke AFB, Phoenix, AZ; Hancock Field, Syracuse, NY; Izmir,...
This is the story of a boy who grew up on a farm northwest of Lynden, WA, attended Ebenezer Christian School and Lynden High School, went away to Calv...