This monograph combines the commutant lifting theorem for operator theory and the state space method from system theory to provide a unified approach for solving both stationary and nonstationary interpolation problems with norm constraints. Included are the operator-valued versions of the tangential Nevanlinna-Pick problem, the Hermite-Fejer problem, the Nehari problem, the Sarason problem, and the two-sided Nudelman problem, and their nonstationary analogues. The main results concern the existence of solutions, the explicit construction of the central solutions in state space form, the...
This monograph combines the commutant lifting theorem for operator theory and the state space method from system theory to provide a unified approach ...
This book provides an introduction to the modern theory of polynomials whose coefficients are linear bounded operators in a Banach space - operator polynomials. This theory has its roots and applications in partial differential equations, mechanics and linear systems, as well as in modern operator theory and linear algebra. Over the last decade, new advances have been made in the theory of operator polynomials based on the spectral approach. The author, along with other mathematicians, participated in this development, and many of the recent results are reflected in this monograph. It is a...
This book provides an introduction to the modern theory of polynomials whose coefficients are linear bounded operators in a Banach space - operator po...
The Workshop on Operator Theory and Boundary Eigenvalue Problems was held at the Technical University, Vienna, Austria, July 27 to 30, 1993. It was the seventh workshop in the series of IWOTA (International Workshops on Operator Theory and Applications). The main topics at the workshop were interpolation problems and analytic matrix functions, operator theory in spaces with indefinite scalar products, boundary value problems for differential and functional-differential equations and systems theory and control. The workshop covered different aspects, starting with abstract operator theory up...
The Workshop on Operator Theory and Boundary Eigenvalue Problems was held at the Technical University, Vienna, Austria, July 27 to 30, 1993. It was th...
One of the basic interpolation problems from our point of view is the problem of building a scalar rational function if its poles and zeros with their multiplicities are given. If one assurnes that the function does not have a pole or a zero at infinity, the formula which solves this problem is (1) where Zl, " " Z/ are the given zeros with given multiplicates nl, " " n / and Wb" " W are the given p poles with given multiplicities ml, . . ., m, and a is an arbitrary nonzero number. p An obvious necessary and sufficient condition for solvability of this simplest Interpolation pr- lern is that...
One of the basic interpolation problems from our point of view is the problem of building a scalar rational function if its poles and zeros with their...
This paper is a largely expository account of the theory of p x p matrix polyno- mials associated with Hermitian block Toeplitz matrices and some related problems of interpolation and extension. Perhaps the main novelty is the use of reproducing kernel Pontryagin spaces to develop parts of the theory in what hopefully the reader will regard as a reasonably lucid way. The topics under discussion are presented in a series of short sections, the headings of which give a pretty good idea of the overall contents of the paper. The theory is a rich one and the present paper in spite of its length is...
This paper is a largely expository account of the theory of p x p matrix polyno- mials associated with Hermitian block Toeplitz matrices and some rela...
VI A. S. MARKUS, A. A. SEMENCUL und 1. B. SIMONENKO fur die Diskussionen uber verschiedene Fragen und fur ihre wertvollen Bemerkungen. Die Autoren bringen ihre Dankbarkeit dem Redakteur des Buches, F. V. SIROKOV, zum Ausdruck. Seine Hilfe trug mageblich zur einfachen und exakten Darlegung bei. Kisinev, am 18. Februar 1970 VORWORT ZUR DEUTSCHEN AUSGABE Die vorliegende Ausgabe dieses Buches unterscheidet sich nur in einem Teil wesentlich von dem russischen Original. Es handelt sich dabei um den Schlu des dritten Kapitels, wo Verfahren zur Umkehrung endlicher TOEPLITz-Matrizen und ihrer stetigen...
VI A. S. MARKUS, A. A. SEMENCUL und 1. B. SIMONENKO fur die Diskussionen uber verschiedene Fragen und fur ihre wertvollen Bemerkungen. Die Autoren bri...