On November 12-14, 1997 a workshop was held at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam on the occasion of the sixtieth birthday ofM. A. Kaashoek. The present volume contains the proceedings of this workshop. The workshop was attended by 44 participants from all over the world: partici- pants came from Austria, Belgium, Canada, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, The Netherlands, South Africa, Switzerland, Ukraine and the USA. The atmosphere at the workshop was very warm and friendly. There where 21 plenary lectures, and each lecture was followed by a lively discussion. The workshop was supported by:...
On November 12-14, 1997 a workshop was held at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam on the occasion of the sixtieth birthday ofM. A. Kaashoek. The present...
Our goal is to find Grabner bases for polynomials in four different sets of expressions: 1 x-, (1 - x)-1 (RESOL) X, 1 x- (1 - xy)-1 (EB) X, y-1, (1-yx)-1 y, (1_y)-1 (1-x)-1 (preNF) (EB) plus and (1 - xy)1/2 (1 - yx )1/2 (NF) (preNF) plus and Most formulas in the theory of the Nagy-Foias operator model NF] are polynomials in these expressions where x = T and y = T*. Complicated polynomials can often be simplified by applying "replacement rules." For example, the polynomial (1 - xy)-2 - 2xy(1-xy)-2 + xy2 (1 - xy)-2 -1 simplifies to O. This can be seen by three applications of the replacement...
Our goal is to find Grabner bases for polynomials in four different sets of expressions: 1 x-, (1 - x)-1 (RESOL) X, 1 x- (1 - xy)-1 (EB) X, y-1, (1-yx...
A collection of papers on different aspects of operator theory and complex analysis, covering the recent achievements of the Odessa-Kharkov school, where Potapov was very active. The book appeals to a wide group of mathematicians and engineers, and much of the material can be used for advanced courses and seminars.
A collection of papers on different aspects of operator theory and complex analysis, covering the recent achievements of the Odessa-Kharkov school,...
This volume is dedicated to Harold Widom, a distinguished mathematician and renowned expert in the area of Toeplitz, Wiener-Hopf and pseudodifferential operators, on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday. The book opens with biographical material and a list of the mathematician's publications, this being followed by two papers based on Toeplitz lectures which he delivered at Tel Aviv University in March, 1993. The rest of the book consists of a selection of papers containing some recent achievements in the following areas: Szego-Widom asymptotic formulas for determinants of finite sections of...
This volume is dedicated to Harold Widom, a distinguished mathematician and renowned expert in the area of Toeplitz, Wiener-Hopf and pseudodifferentia...
This volume is dedicated to Tsuyoshi Ando, a foremost expert in operator theory, matrix theory, complex analysis, and their applications, on the occasion of his 60th birthday. The book opens with his biography and list of publications. It contains a selection of papers covering a broad spectrum of topics ranging from abstract operator theory to various concrete problems and applications. The majority of the papers deal with topics in modern operator theory and its applications. This volume also contains papers on interpolation and completion problems, factorization problems and problems...
This volume is dedicated to Tsuyoshi Ando, a foremost expert in operator theory, matrix theory, complex analysis, and their applications, on the occas...
This monograph is the second volume of a graduate text book on the modern theory of linear one-dimensional singular integral equations. Both volumes may be regarded as unique graduate text books. Singular integral equations attract more and more attention since this class of equations appears in numerous applications, and also because they form one of the few classes of equations which can be solved explicitly. The present book is to a great extent based upon material contained in the second part of the authors' monograph 6] which appeared in 1973 in Russian, and in 1979 in German...
This monograph is the second volume of a graduate text book on the modern theory of linear one-dimensional singular integral equations. Both volumes m...
This book is an introduction to the theory of linear one-dimensional singular integral equations. It is essentually a graduate textbook. Singular integral equations have attracted more and more attention, because, on one hand, this class of equations appears in many applications and, on the other, it is one of a few classes of equations which can be solved in explicit form. In this book material of the monograph [2] of the authors on one-dimensional singular integral operators is widely used. This monograph appeared in 1973 in Russian and later in German translation [3]. In the final text...
This book is an introduction to the theory of linear one-dimensional singular integral equations. It is essentually a graduate textbook. Singular inte...