Transport causes a wide range of damage to human health, ecosytems and materials which are not reflected in the prices for transport. Thus, the damage caused by cars, planes, ships and trains should be known and transformed into monetary values, so called external costs. Within this book, a method to estimate the external costs stemming from the emissions of atmospheric pollutants of transport, including damage from greenhouse gases, fine particles, ozone, nitrous oxides, benzene and other carcinogenic substances, is described and applied to calculate the external costs of a huge number of...
Transport causes a wide range of damage to human health, ecosytems and materials which are not reflected in the prices for transport. Thus, the damage...
Transport is very important for the economy and our welfare. However, transport also causes a lot of problems, including air pollution. Such problems should be taken into account, when making decisions. A prerequisite for doing so is, that the impacts are known, quantitatively measured and allocated to the different activities in transport. Furthermore, they should be transformed into monetary units to be used as a basis for cost-benefit analyses or as an aid for setting taxes and charges, that reflect the external costs. This book describes a methodology for calculating impacts of transport...
Transport is very important for the economy and our welfare. However, transport also causes a lot of problems, including air pollution. Such problems ...
Ist die steuerliche Belastung der Autofahrer in der bestehenden Hohe berechtigt oder muss sie bei Anwendung des Verursacherprinzips erniedrigt oder gar weiter erhoht werden? Dies ist eine der zentralen Fragen mit denen sich dieses Buch beschaftigt. Die dabei angewandte Methode ist die Ermittlung der externen Kosten, also die Monetarisierung der auftretenden Schaden. Neben den Aufwendungen fur den Bau und Unterhalt von Verkehrswegen sind dies vor allem Schaden an Personen, Umwelt und Materialien, die zu einem grossen Teil von der Allgemeinheit getragen werden mussen. Die Autoren stellen damit...
Ist die steuerliche Belastung der Autofahrer in der bestehenden Hohe berechtigt oder muss sie bei Anwendung des Verursacherprinzips erniedrigt oder ga...