This bookis aselectionoftherevisedcontributionsthatwereinitially submitted to the International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval (AMR 2007). The workshop was organized at the University Pierre and Marie Curie in Paris, France, during July 5-6, 2007. The goalof the AMR workshopsis to intensify the exchangeof ideasbetween di?erent research communities, to provide an overview of current activities in this area and to point out connections between the diverse involved researches communities, among them the most important ones focussing on multimedia retrieval and arti?cial intelligence....
This bookis aselectionoftherevisedcontributionsthatwereinitially submitted to the International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval (AMR 2007). ...
This book is an extended collection of revised contributions that were initially submitted to the International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval (AMR 2005). This workshop was organized during July 28-29, 2005, at the U- versity of Glasgow, UK, as part of an information retrieval research festival and in co-location with the 19th International Joint Conference on Arti?cial Int- ligence (IJCAI 2005). AMR 2005 was the third and so far the biggest event of the series of workshops that started in 2003 with a workshop during the 26th German Conference on Arti?cial Intelligence (KI 2003)...
This book is an extended collection of revised contributions that were initially submitted to the International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrie...
This bookis aselectionoftherevisedcontributionsthatwereinitially submitted to the International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval (AMR 2008). TheworkshopwasorganizedattheFraunhoferInstitute forTelecommunications HHI, Berlin, Germany, during June 26 27, 2008. The goalof the AMR workshopsis to intensify the exchangeof ideasbetween di?erentresearchcommunities, toprovideanoverviewofcurrentactivitiesinthis areaandtopointoutconnectionsbetweenthediverseresearchescommunities, in particular the ones focussing on multimedia retrieval and arti?cial intelligence. In this spirit, the ?rst three...
This bookis aselectionoftherevisedcontributionsthatwereinitially submitted to the International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval (AMR 2008). ...