ISBN-13: 9783540798590 / Angielski / Miękka / 2008 / 280 str.
ISBN-13: 9783540798590 / Angielski / Miękka / 2008 / 280 str.
This bookis aselectionoftherevisedcontributionsthatwereinitially submitted to the International Workshop on Adaptive Multimedia Retrieval (AMR 2007). The workshop was organized at the University Pierre and Marie Curie in Paris, France, during July 5-6, 2007. The goalof the AMR workshopsis to intensify the exchangeof ideasbetween di?erent research communities, to provide an overview of current activities in this area and to point out connections between the diverse involved researches communities, among them the most important ones focussing on multimedia retrieval and arti?cial intelligence. In this spirit, the ?rst three events where collocated with Arti?cial Intelligence conferences: in 2003 as a workshop of the 26th German Conference on Arti?cial Intelligence (KI 2003); in 2004 as part of the 16th European Conference on Arti?cial Intelligence (ECAI 2004) and in 2005 as part of the 19th International Joint Conference on Arti?cial Intelligence (IJCAI05).Becauseofitssuccess, in2006theUniversityofGeneva, Switzerland, organized the workshop for the ?rst time as a standalone event. In 2007 the workshop revealed three main topics: retrieval, user and sem- tics.Retrieval, acoresubject, wastackledfromseveralperspectives.Researchers were interested not only in the e?ciency of the multimedia access by looking at peer-to-peermethods, middlewareanddatabasestechniques, butalsointhetype of retrieved data, ranging from music to images and video. The user was also at the center of attention. Several papers investigated the di?erent ways m- timedia data can be searched, as, for instance, through navigation, summaries andinteraction.Particularattentionwasgivento methods thattryto modelthe user and its feedback. Finally, in this set of works, it becomes clear that behind the idea of retrievaland user the notion that connects both is hidden: semantics.