Along with many small improvements, this revised edition contains van Yzeren's new proof of Pascal's theorem (1.7) and, in Chapter 2, an improved treatment of order and sense. The Sylvester-Gallai theorem, instead of being introduced as a curiosity, is now used as an essential step in the theory of harmonic separation (3.34). This makes the logi- cal development self-contained: the footnotes involving the References (pp. 214-216) are for comparison with earlier treatments, and to give credit where it is due, not to fill gaps in the argument. H.S.M.C. November 1992 v Preface to the Second...
Along with many small improvements, this revised edition contains van Yzeren's new proof of Pascal's theorem (1.7) and, in Chapter 2, an improved trea...
E. L. Cooper In Volume 23 we considered, in seven chapters, the basic armamentarium of the invertebrate immune system and its cells, as well as an analysis of antigens, setting the stage for the initiation of an immune response. We studied cell products, natural or induced, as revealed by nonspecific and specific responses following antigenic challenge such as the pro phenol oxidase system, the lytic responses, the Ig superfamily, and the place this family offers invertebrates and insect hemolymph proteins as candidates for membership. At this point, these various topics seemed to converge,...
E. L. Cooper In Volume 23 we considered, in seven chapters, the basic armamentarium of the invertebrate immune system and its cells, as well as an ana...
Residual stresses are always introduced in materials when they are produced, or when they undergo non-uniform plastic deformation during use. The circumstances that can cause residual stresses are therefore numerous. Residual stresses exist in all materials and, depending on their distribution, can playa beneficial role (for example, compressive surface stress) or have a catastrophic effect, especially on fatigue behaviour and corrosion properties. The subject of residual stresses took form around 1970 with the development of methods to measure macroscopic deformations during the machining of...
Residual stresses are always introduced in materials when they are produced, or when they undergo non-uniform plastic deformation during use. The circ...