Innovation in new product development is a key factor in determining the success of a food company yet the area is fraught with risk, with failure rates in excess of 90% being common. Using a series of 12 European cases studies, this book examines the innovation process from agriculture through to retailer. Each example highlights a different aspect of innovation, and the lessons that can be learned from experience. It considers the important role that marketing as well as technical aspects play in the process.
Innovation in new product development is a key factor in determining the success of a food company yet the area is fraught with risk, with failure rat...
K. G. Grunert Hanne Hartvig Larsen Tage Koed Madsen
In the fall of 1990, the Danish government started a comprehensive research pro gramme to improve the competitiveness of the Danish food sector: The Research and Development Programme in the Danish Food Sector (Det F Ildevareteknologiske Forsk nings- og Udviklingsprogram, F0TEK). The programme was based on a combination of basic research to be carried out by universities and other research institutions, and a series of collaboration projects between researchers and food companies. The programme was originally designed as a technological research programme. However, in the planning phases of...
In the fall of 1990, the Danish government started a comprehensive research pro gramme to improve the competitiveness of the Danish food sector: The R...