Das Buch Work-Life Balance ist eine praxisnahe und gleichzeitig fundierte Bestandsaufnahme zum Thema Work-Life Balance. Der Fokus liegt auf dem Bereich der Extremjobber, die sich vor allem in wissensintensiven Dienstleistungsunternehmen, auf der Managementebene von Industrieunternehmen, aber auch in freiberuflichen Tatigkeiten wiederfinden. Das Buch zeigt auf, welche Massnahmen gerade fur Extremjobber als erfolgversprechend gelten, und warum es auf lange Sicht sinnvoll ist, Work-Life Balance Massnahmen im Unternehmen zu etablieren. Es richtet sich vor allem an Praktiker, die sich taglich mit...
Das Buch Work-Life Balance ist eine praxisnahe und gleichzeitig fundierte Bestandsaufnahme zum Thema Work-Life Balance. Der Fokus liegt auf dem Bereic...
A satisfactory and healthy integration of work with other life domains is one of the key challenges of modern society. Work-life balance and work-life integration have become focal points of today's human resource management practice and theory. Professionals who have been described as "extreme workers" regarding their work hours and engagement are under particular pressure to balance work and "the rest of life."
This collection maps the increasingly extensive discussion of work-life issues for professionals and discusses key aspects in depth. What is work-life integration? What are the...
A satisfactory and healthy integration of work with other life domains is one of the key challenges of modern society. Work-life balance and work-l...
As the media converges with the telecommunication industry leveraging content becomes key for both formerly separate industries. As new channels are offered and used to distribute various contents - from music to games, from text to videos - companies have to think about innovative ways to even more profit from providing the channels or from providing the content or from providing both. New business models are emerging that are made for leveraging content and finding their way to the customers. This book explains why and how more content leverage becomes reality.
As the media converges with the telecommunication industry leveraging content becomes key for both formerly separate industries. As new channels are o...
Managing strategies for professional service firms is an important and complex activity. The main issues in this book cover the core management principles for service firms in a comprehensive way. Based on current research findings it includes the management of service quality, knowledge and marketing as well as people, organizational and strategic issues. In understanding critical resources managers and partners will be able to effectively develop and exploit them. The book contains practical advice and offers a profound insight into the managerial excellence of service companies.
Managing strategies for professional service firms is an important and complex activity. The main issues in this book cover the core management princi...