B. CADY Hepatic met, ' tasl S present one of the major therapeutic challenges of cancer patien: management, for it is the destruction of vital organ function that makes cancer fatal, not local tumor growth. The process of tumor cell dislodgement from the primary cancer, their spread through the lymphatic and hematogenous channels, their lodgement in distant sites, and their subsequent progressive growth tax our comprehension a'ld i. -ustrate our therapies. The proceedings of this International Con, t ss on Hepatic Metastasis address these aspects of metastases to t: '. >2 _ . ver, and...
B. CADY Hepatic met, ' tasl S present one of the major therapeutic challenges of cancer patien: management, for it is the destruction of vital organ f...
In this book, a distinguished group of clinicians provide straightforward, focused answers to the questions most commonly confronted by a multidisciplinary team when caring for patients with rectal cancer.
In this book, a distinguished group of clinicians provide straightforward, focused answers to the questions most commonly confronted by a multidiscipl...