This second edition of the volume reflects the major developments that have taken place in the field of thoracic organ transplantation and replacement. With the exception of the historical chapters, every chapter has been extensively rewritten and updated and many new chapters have been added. The rapid growth of single and bilateral lung transplantation and the increasing use of left ventricular assist devices for long-term support are reflected in the text. Considerable emphasis has been placed on the current experimental and clinical developments taking place in both transplantation and...
This second edition of the volume reflects the major developments that have taken place in the field of thoracic organ transplantation and replacement...
It gives us great pleasure to contribute a short introduction outstanding book. This comprehensive work provides an to this important volume. immense fund of information, and will be an invaluable The transplantation of thoracic organs - heart, heart source of knowledge to physicians, surgeons, and scientists lung, lung - is a field of surgery that is expanding annually. for many years to come. The use of mechanical assist devices and artificial hearts to support patients awaiting transplantation is also developing rapidly, and further advances in this field may eventually April 1990...
It gives us great pleasure to contribute a short introduction outstanding book. This comprehensive work provides an to this important volume. immense ...
It is a great pleasure for me to contribute a brief introduction to this volume, to which so many of my colleagues at Groote Schuur Hospital and the University of Cape Town Medical School have contributed. Though considerable advances have been made in preventing or treating the complications of heart transplantation, even today a transplant pro- gramme remains a major undertaking for a hospital team. The acquisition of a sufficient number of donor hearts, the maintenance of viability of those hearts, and the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of acute and chronic rejection and infection...
It is a great pleasure for me to contribute a brief introduction to this volume, to which so many of my colleagues at Groote Schuur Hospital and the U...