This and its companion Volume 2 comprise the proceedings of the International Symposium on "Solution Behavior of Surfactants - Theoretical and Applied Aspects" organized under the auspices of the 11th Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemical Soci- ety held in Potsdam, N. Y., June 30-July 3, 1980. This Symposium re- presented the third event in the series of symposia dealing with the topic of surfactants in solution. The first Symposium was held in Albany, N. Y., in 1976 under the title "Micellization, Solubili- zation and Microemulsions," 1 the proceedings of which have been doc-...
This and its companion Volume 2 comprise the proceedings of the International Symposium on "Solution Behavior of Surfactants - Theoretical and Applied...
This and its companion Volume 1 comprise the proceedings of the International Symposium on "Solution Behavior of Surfactants - Theoretical and Applied Aspects" organized under the auspices of the 11th Northeast Regional Meeting of the American Chemica1 So ci- ety held in Potsdam, N. Y., June 30-July 3, 1980. This ?J Ilposiumre- presented the third event in the se ries of symposia dealing with the topic of surfactants in solution. The first Symposium was held in Albany, N. Y., in 1976 under the title "Micellization, Solubili- zation and Microemulsions"'1the proceedings of which have been doc-...
This and its companion Volume 1 comprise the proceedings of the International Symposium on "Solution Behavior of Surfactants - Theoretical and Applied...