The Fourth International Cryogenic Materials Conference (ICMC) was held in San Diego, California in conjunction with the Cryogenic Engineer- ing Conference (CEC) on August 10-l4, 1981. The synergism produced by conducting the two conferences together remains very strong. In the ap- pl1cation of cryogenic technology, materials continue to be a demanding challenge, and sometimes, an obstacle. The association of materials and cryogenic engineers increases their awareness of recent research in each other's fields and influences the course of future research. Many contributed to the success of the...
The Fourth International Cryogenic Materials Conference (ICMC) was held in San Diego, California in conjunction with the Cryogenic Engineer- ing Confe...
The Sixth International Cryogenic Materials Conference (ICMC) was held on the campus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge in col laboration with the Cryogenic Engineering Conference (CEC) on August 12-16, 1985. The complementary program and the interdependence of these two dis ciplines foster the conference. Its manifest purpose is sharing the latest advances in low temperature materials science and technology. Equally im portant, areas of needed research are identified, prioriti-es for new research are set, and an increased appreciation of interdisciplinary, interlaboratory,...
The Sixth International Cryogenic Materials Conference (ICMC) was held on the campus of Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge in col labo...
The 1989 Cryogenic Engineering Conference, meeting jointly with the International Cryogenic Materials Conference, was held on the campus of the University of California, Los Angeles from July 24 to 28. Professor T.H.K. Frederking was the conference chairman. The Conference had previously met at U.C.L.A. in 1962 and 1969. A special symposium, "A Half Century of Superfluid Helium," was a significant part of the program of CEC-89. We were especially fortunate to have Professor Jack Allen of the University of St. Andrews, Scotland present at the Conference; his paper, "Early Superfluidity in...
The 1989 Cryogenic Engineering Conference, meeting jointly with the International Cryogenic Materials Conference, was held on the campus of the Univer...
The 1987 joint Cryogenic Engineering Conference/International Cryogenic Materials Conference was held at the Pheasant Run Resort, St. Charles, lliinois from June 14 to 18. Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, located a few kilometers from Pheasant Run, was the host for this conference. There is a great deal of cryogenic research and development underway at Fermilab and many applications of cryogenic materials and systems are in rou tine, daily use at the Tevatron. The technical program for the joint conference had over 300 invited and contributed papers from many different countries. The...
The 1987 joint Cryogenic Engineering Conference/International Cryogenic Materials Conference was held at the Pheasant Run Resort, St. Charles, lliinoi...