System-on-a-chip (SoC) designs result in a wide range of high-complexity, high-value semiconductor products. As the technology scales towards smaller feature sizes and chips grow larger, a speed limitation arises due to an in- creased RC delay associated with interconnection wires. Innovative circuit techniques are required to achieve the speed needed for high-performance signal processing. Current sensing is considered as a promising circuit class since it is inherently faster than conventional voltage sense amplifiers. How- ever, especially in SRAM, current sensing has rarely been used so...
System-on-a-chip (SoC) designs result in a wide range of high-complexity, high-value semiconductor products. As the technology scales towards smaller ...
This book is a comprehensive, all-in-one source on design of monolithic GaN power ICs. It is written in handbook style with systematic guidelines and includes implementation examples. It covers the full range from technology fundamentals to implementation details including design techniques specific for GaN technology. It provides a detailed loss analysis based on comparative measurements between silicon and GaN based converters to provide an understanding of the relations between design choices and results which can be transferred to other power converter systems.
This book is a comprehensive, all-in-one source on design of monolithic GaN power ICs. It is written in handbook style with systematic guidelines and ...