Contemporary research on genetic control of disease-transmitting insects knows two kinds of scientists: those that work in the laboratory and those known as 'field people'. Over the last decade, both groups seem to have developed differing research priorities, address fundamentally different aspects within the overall discipline of infectious-disease control, and worse, have developed a scientific 'language' that is no longer understood by the 'other' party. This gap widens every day, between the North and the South, between ecologists and molecular biologists, geneticists and...
Contemporary research on genetic control of disease-transmitting insects knows two kinds of scientists: those that work in the laboratory and those...
Contemporary research on genetic control of disease-transmitting insects knows two kinds of scientists: those that work in the laboratory and those known as 'field people'. Over the last decade, both groups seem to have developed differing research priorities, address fundamentally different aspects within the overall discipline of infectious-disease control, and worse, have developed a scientific 'language' that is no longer understood by the 'other' party. This gap widens every day, between the North and the South, between ecologists and molecular biologists, geneticists and...
Contemporary research on genetic control of disease-transmitting insects knows two kinds of scientists: those that work in the laboratory and those...