Le but du livre est de donner aux enseignants et aux etudiants (a partir de Bac+4) en mathematiques appliquees et en mecanique des fluides un outil d'enseignement et d'apprentissage illustre par cinquante problemes accompagnes de leur correction detaillee. Ce livre presente une nouvelle methode d'analyse asymptotique pour des problemes de "couche limite." Celle-ci est appelee MASC "Methode des Approximations Successives Complementaires." La premiere moitie du livre est consacree, outre la presentation de la MASC, a ordonner les connaissances necessaires a l'analyse asymptotique et a donner...
Le but du livre est de donner aux enseignants et aux etudiants (a partir de Bac+4) en mathematiques appliquees et en mecanique des fluides un outil...
Viscous flow is treated usually in the frame of boundary-layer theory and as two-dimensional flow. Books on boundary layers give at most the describing equations for three-dimensional boundary layers, and solutions often only for some special cases.
This book provides basic principles and theoretical foundations regarding three-dimensional attached viscous flow. Emphasis is put on general three-dimensional attached viscous flows and not on three-dimensional boundary layers. This wider scope is necessary in view of the theoretical and practical problems to be mastered in practice....
Viscous flow is treated usually in the frame of boundary-layer theory and as two-dimensional flow. Books on boundary layers give at most the descri...
Since the inaugural symposium at the Pennsylvania State University in 1977, the venues for the series of biennial symposia on turbulent shear flows have alternated between the USA and Europe. For the Sixth Symposium, the first to be held in France, the city of Toulouse proved a natura] choice, being a centre for the aerospace industry, meteorological research and higher education. The meeting was hosted by the Paul Sabatier University on the southern perimeter of the city, and there nearly 300 workers in the field of turbulence converged to pronounce upon, debate and absorb the current issues...
Since the inaugural symposium at the Pennsylvania State University in 1977, the venues for the series of biennial symposia on turbulent shear flows ha...
Viscous flow is treated usually in the frame of boundary-layer theory and as two-dimensional flow. Books on boundary layers give at most the describing equations for three-dimensional boundary layers, and solutions often only for some special cases.
This book provides basic principles and theoretical foundations regarding three-dimensional attached viscous flow. Emphasis is put on general three-dimensional attached viscous flows and not on three-dimensional boundary layers. This wider scope is necessary in view of the theoretical and practical problems to be mastered in practice....
Viscous flow is treated usually in the frame of boundary-layer theory and as two-dimensional flow. Books on boundary layers give at most the descri...