In Citizen Spy, Michael Kackman investigates how media depictions of the slick, smart, and resolute spy have been embedded in the American imagination. Looking at secret agents on television and the relationships among networks, producers, government bureaus, and the viewing public in the 1950s and 1960s, Kackman explores how Americans see themselves in times of political and cultural crisis. During the first decade of the Cold War, Hollywood developed such shows as I Led 3 Lives and Behind Closed Doors with the approval of federal intelligence agencies, even basing...
In Citizen Spy, Michael Kackman investigates how media depictions of the slick, smart, and resolute spy have been embedded in the American imag...
The Craft of Media Criticism provides students and scholars a definitive overview of the main methodologies that make up critical media studies. Written by leading scholars in media studies, chapters address methods including various forms of textual analysis, as well as reception studies, production studies, and contextual, multi-method approaches. Film and television are at the heart of these methodologies, although attention is also paid to issues of medium specificity and convergence. Each chapter includes an intellectual history of the particular method in question, a discussion...
The Craft of Media Criticism provides students and scholars a definitive overview of the main methodologies that make up critical media studi...
The Craft of Media Criticism provides students and scholars a definitive overview of the main methodologies that make up critical media studies. Written by leading scholars in media studies, chapters address methods including various forms of textual analysis, as well as reception studies, production studies, and contextual, multi-method approaches. Film and television are at the heart of these methodologies, although attention is also paid to issues of medium specificity and convergence. Each chapter includes an intellectual history of the particular method in question, a discussion...
The Craft of Media Criticism provides students and scholars a definitive overview of the main methodologies that make up critical media studi...