This concise introduction to ring theory, module theory and number theory is ideal for a first year graduate student, as well as being an excellent reference for working mathematicians in other areas. Starting from definitions, the book introduces fundamental constructions of rings and modules, as direct sums or products, and by exact sequences. It then explores the structure of modules over various types of ring: noncommutative polynomial rings, Artinian rings (both semisimple and not), and Dedekind domains. It also shows how Dedekind domains arise in number theory, and explicitly calculates...
This concise introduction to ring theory, module theory and number theory is ideal for a first year graduate student, as well as being an excellent re...
The heart of the book is a lengthy introduction to the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras, in which the techniques of quivers with relations and almost split sequences are discussed in some detail.
The heart of the book is a lengthy introduction to the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras, in which the techniques of quivers with r...
This is the first of two volumes providing an introduction to modern developments in the representation theory of finite groups and associative algebras, which have transformed the subject into a study of categories of modules. Thus, Dr. Benson's unique perspective in this book incorporates homological algebra and the theory of representations of finite-dimensional algebras. This volume is primarily concerned with the exposition of the necessary background material, and the heart of the discussion is a lengthy introduction to the (Auslander-Reiten) representation theory of finite dimensional...
This is the first of two volumes providing an introduction to modern developments in the representation theory of finite groups and associative algebr...
This is an up-to-date and comprehensive account of the theory of Levy processes. This branch of modern probability theory has been developed over recent years and has many applications in such areas as queues, mathematical finance and risk estimation. Professor Bertoin has used the powerful interplay between the probabilistic structure (independence and stationarity of the increments) and analytic tools (especially Fourier and Laplace transforms) to give a quick and concise treatment of the core theory, with the minimum of technical requirements. Special properties of subordinators are...
This is an up-to-date and comprehensive account of the theory of Levy processes. This branch of modern probability theory has been developed over rece...
This book provides an introduction to quadratic forms, building from basics to the most recent results. Professor Kitaoka is well known for his work in this area, and in this book he covers many aspects of the subject, including lattice theory, Siegel's formula, and some results involving tensor products of positive definite quadratic forms. The reader should have a knowledge of algebraic number fields, making this book ideal for graduate students and researchers wishing for an insight into quadratic forms.
This book provides an introduction to quadratic forms, building from basics to the most recent results. Professor Kitaoka is well known for his work i...
This book provides a thorough and self-contained study of interdependence and complexity in settings of functional analysis, harmonic analysis and stochastic analysis. It focuses on "dimension" as a basic counter of degrees of freedom, leading to precise relations between combinatorial measurements and various indices originating from the classical inequalities of Khintchin, Littlewood and Grothendieck. Topics include the (two-dimensional) Grothendieck inequality and its extensions to higher dimensions, stochastic models of Brownian motion, degrees of randomness and Frechet measures in...
This book provides a thorough and self-contained study of interdependence and complexity in settings of functional analysis, harmonic analysis and sto...
The focus of this book is geometric properties of general sets and measures in Euclidean spaces. Applications of this theory include fractal-type objects, such as strange attractors for dynamical systems, and those fractals used as models in the sciences. The author provides a firm and unified foundation for the subject and develops all the main tools used in its study, such as covering theorems, Hausdorff measures and their relations to Riesz capacities and Fourier transforms. The last third of the book is devoted to the Besicovitch-Federer theory of rectifiable sets, which form in a sense...
The focus of this book is geometric properties of general sets and measures in Euclidean spaces. Applications of this theory include fractal-type obje...
This book provides a comprehensive account of a key, perhaps the most important, theory that forms the basis of Taylor-Wiles proof of Fermat's last theorem. Hida begins with an overview of the theory of automorphic forms on linear algebraic groups and then covers the basic theory and recent results on elliptic modular forms, including a substantial simplification of the Taylor-Wiles proof by Fujiwara and Diamond. He offers a detailed exposition of the representation theory of profinite groups (including deformation theory), as well as the Euler characteristic formulas of Galois cohomology...
This book provides a comprehensive account of a key, perhaps the most important, theory that forms the basis of Taylor-Wiles proof of Fermat's last th...
This second edition develops the foundations of finite group theory. For students already exposed to a first course in algebra, it serves as a text for a course on finite groups. For the reader with some mathematical sophistication but limited knowledge of finite group theory, the book supplies the basic background necessary to begin to read journal articles in the field. It also provides the specialist in finite group theory with a reference on the foundations of the subject. Unifying themes include the Classification Theorem and the classical linear groups. Lie theory appears in chapters on...
This second edition develops the foundations of finite group theory. For students already exposed to a first course in algebra, it serves as a text fo...
This second edition develops the foundations of finite group theory. For students already exposed to a first course in algebra, it serves as a text for a course on finite groups. For the reader with some mathematical sophistication but limited knowledge of finite group theory, the book supplies the basic background necessary to begin to read journal articles in the field. It also provides the specialist in finite group theory with a reference on the foundations of the subject. Unifying themes include the Classification Theorem and the classical linear groups. Lie theory appears in chapters on...
This second edition develops the foundations of finite group theory. For students already exposed to a first course in algebra, it serves as a text fo...