Spectral sequences are among the most elegant and powerful methods of computation in mathematics. This book describes some of the most important examples of spectral sequences and some of their most spectacular applications. The first part treats the algebraic foundations for this sort of homological algebra, starting from informal calculations. The heart of the text is an exposition of the classical examples from homotopy theory, with chapters on the Leray-Serre spectral sequence, the Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequence, the Adams spectral sequence, and, in this new edition, the Bockstein...
Spectral sequences are among the most elegant and powerful methods of computation in mathematics. This book describes some of the most important examp...
The Hardy-Littlewood method is a means of estimating the number of integer solutions of equations and was first applied to Waring's problem on representations of integers by sums of powers. This introduction to the method deals with its classical forms and outlines some of the more recent developments. Now in its second edition it has been fully updated; the author has made extensive revisions and added a new chapter to take account of major advances by Vaughan and Wooley. The reader is expected to be familiar with elementary number theory and postgraduate students should find it of great use...
The Hardy-Littlewood method is a means of estimating the number of integer solutions of equations and was first applied to Waring's problem on represe...
This book provides an introduction to some aspects of the analytic theory of automorphic forms on G=SL2(R) or the upper-half plane X, with respect to a discrete subgroup DEGREESD*G of G of finite covolume. The point of view is inspired by the theory of infinite dimensional unitary representations of G; this is introduced in the last sections, making this connection explicit. The topics treated include the construction of fundamental domains, the notion of automorphic form on DEGREESD*GG and its relationship with the classical automorphic forms on X, Poincare series, constant terms, cusp...
This book provides an introduction to some aspects of the analytic theory of automorphic forms on G=SL2(R) or the upper-half plane X, with respect to ...
In this book, Davies introduces the reader to the theory of partial differential operators, up to the spectral theorem for bounded linear operators on Banach spaces. He also describes the theory of Fourier transforms and distributions as far as is needed to analyze the spectrum of any constant coefficient partial differential operator. He also presents a completely new proof of the spectral theorem for unbounded self-adjoint operators and demonstrates its application to a variety of second order elliptic differential operators. Finally, the book contains a detailed account of the application...
In this book, Davies introduces the reader to the theory of partial differential operators, up to the spectral theorem for bounded linear operators on...
Bipartite graphs are perhaps the most basic of objects in graph theory, both from a theoretical and practical point of view. Until now, they have been considered only as a special class in some wider context. This work deals solely with bipartite graphs, providing traditional material as well as many new and unusual results. The authors illustrate the theory with many applications, especially to problems in timetabling, chemistry, communication networks and computer science. The material is accessible to any reader with a graduate understanding of mathematics and will be of interest to...
Bipartite graphs are perhaps the most basic of objects in graph theory, both from a theoretical and practical point of view. Until now, they have been...
The theme of this unique work, the logarithmic integral, lies athwart much of twentieth century analysis. It is a thread connecting many apparently separate parts of the subject, and is a natural point at which to begin a serious study of real and complex analysis. Professor Koosis' aim is to show how, from simple ideas, one can build up an investigation that explains and clarifies many different, seemingly unrelated problems; to show, in effect, how mathematics grows. The presentation is straightforward, so this, the first of two volumes, is self-contained, but more importantly, by following...
The theme of this unique work, the logarithmic integral, lies athwart much of twentieth century analysis. It is a thread connecting many apparently se...
This book serves as a comprehensive introduction to the representation theory of Artin algebras, a branch of algebra. Written by three distinguished mathematicians, it illustrates how the theory of almost split sequences is utilized within representation theory. The authors develop several foundational aspects of the subject. For example, the representations of quivers with relations and their interpretation as modules over the factors of path algebras is discussed in detail. Thorough discussions yield concrete illustrations of some of the more abstract concepts and theorems. The book...
This book serves as a comprehensive introduction to the representation theory of Artin algebras, a branch of algebra. Written by three distinguished m...
Stochastic analysis and stochastic differential equations are rapidly developing fields in probability theory and its applications. This book provides a systematic treatment of stochastic differential equations and stochastic flow of diffeomorphisms and describes the properties of stochastic flows. Professor Kunita's approach regards the stochastic differential equation as a dynamical system driven by a random vector field, including K. Ito's classical theory. Beginning with a discussion of Markov processes, martingales and Brownian motion, Kunita reviews Ito's stochastic analysis. He places...
Stochastic analysis and stochastic differential equations are rapidly developing fields in probability theory and its applications. This book provides...
The central theme of this book is a detailed exposition of the geometric technique of calculating syzygies. While this is an important tool in algebraic geometry, Jerzy Weyman has elected to write from the point of view of commutative algebra in order to avoid being tied to special cases from geometry. No prior knowledge of representation theory is assumed. Chapters on several applications are included, and numerous exercises will give the reader insight into how to apply this important method.
The central theme of this book is a detailed exposition of the geometric technique of calculating syzygies. While this is an important tool in algebra...
Practical Foundations of Mathematics explains the basis of mathematical reasoning both in pure mathematics itself (algebra and topology in particular) and in computer science. In addition to the formal logic, this volume examines the relationship between computer languages and "plain English" mathematical proofs. The book introduces the reader to discrete mathematics, reasoning, and categorical logic. It offers a new approach to term algebras, induction and recursion and proves in detail the equivalence of types and categories. Each idea is illustrated by wide-ranging examples, and followed...
Practical Foundations of Mathematics explains the basis of mathematical reasoning both in pure mathematics itself (algebra and topology in particular)...