In the past, many tumor marker laboratory tests have not been sensitive enough for the very early detection of cancer. However, many of them have nonetheless proved useful in monitoring therapy, following the course of the tumor, and predicting prog nosis. Today, cancer may be viewed as a genetic disease with various specific chromo somal and nucleotide aberrations, such as mutations, deletions, gene amplification, gene rearrangements, and translocations occurring during the transformation of a nor mal cell into a malignant cell. The considerable advances in technology during the past several...
In the past, many tumor marker laboratory tests have not been sensitive enough for the very early detection of cancer. However, many of them have none...
In the past, many tumor marker laboratory tests have not been sensitive enough for the very early detection of cancer. However, many of them have nonetheless proved useful in monitoring therapy, following the course of the tumor, and predicting prog nosis. Today, cancer may be viewed as a genetic disease with various specific chromo somal and nucleotide aberrations, such as mutations, deletions, gene amplification, gene rearrangements, and translocations occurring during the transformation of a nor mal cell into a malignant cell. The considerable advances in technology during the past several...
In the past, many tumor marker laboratory tests have not been sensitive enough for the very early detection of cancer. However, many of them have none...