A second edition of a book is a success and an obligation at the same time. We are satis ed that a number of university courses have been orga> nized on the basis of the rst volume of Comprehensive Mathematics for Computer Scientists. The instructors recognized that the self>contained presentation of a broad specturm of mathematical core topics is a rm point of departure for a sustainable formal education in computer sci> ence. We feel obliged to meet the valuable feedback of the responsible in> structors of such courses, in particular of Joel Young (Computer Science Department, Brown...
A second edition of a book is a success and an obligation at the same time. We are satis ed that a number of university courses have been orga> nized ...
Man kann einen jeden BegrifJ, einen jeden Titel, darunter viele Erkenntnisse gehoren, einen logischen Ort nennen. Immanuel Kant 258, p. B 324] This book's title subject, The Topos of Music, has been chosen to communicate a double message: First, the Greek word "topos" (r01rex; = location, site) alludes to the logical and transcendental location of the concept of music in the sense of Aristotle's 20, 592] and Kant's 258, p. B 324] topic. This view deals with the question of where music is situated as a concept and hence with the underlying ontological problem: What is the type of being and...
Man kann einen jeden BegrifJ, einen jeden Titel, darunter viele Erkenntnisse gehoren, einen logischen Ort nennen. Immanuel Kant 258, p. B 324] This b...
New perspectives in interpreting contemporary family and reproductive - haviour of Mediterranean Europe 1. THE NEW GEOGRAPHY OF FERTILITY AND THE FAMILY IN EUROPE The countries of southern Europe have begun to reduce conjugal fertility at a later date compared to most other nations in the west. This has been - plained by means of the category of delay: the backwardness of the pr- esses of accumulation and economic development being seen as the cause of the maintaining of the reproductive models of the past. Moreover, the inf- ence of the Catholic Church in Italy, Spain and Portugal is...
New perspectives in interpreting contemporary family and reproductive - haviour of Mediterranean Europe 1. THE NEW GEOGRAPHY OF FERTILITY AND THE FAMI...
Dieses Lehrbuch stellt eine Einfuhrung in die noch junge Disziplin der Musikinformatik dar. Es beginnt mit einer Ubersicht uber die gegenwartige Entwicklung der Musik aus der Wechselwirkung zwischen Technologie und Komposition. Darauf aufbauend werden Kodierung und Programmierung musikalischer Objekte fur Komposition, Analyse und Interpretation besprochen, sowie Standards und Darstellungsmethoden, wie: MIDI, Musik-N, Fourier, FM, Wavelets, Physical Modeling und Denotatoren. Eine vertiefte Diskussion erfahrt dabei der FFT-Algorithmus und naturlich das Kompressionsverfahren MP3.
Dieses Lehrbuch stellt eine Einfuhrung in die noch junge Disziplin der Musikinformatik dar. Es beginnt mit einer Ubersicht uber die gegenwartige En...
Geometrie der Tone ist die aktualisierte und ausgearbeitete Fassung einer interdisziplinaren Vorlesung iiber Mathematische Musiktheorie an der Universitat Ziirich im akademischen Jahr 1986/87. Das Buch richtet sich an einen breiten, interessierten Leserkreis, der sich iiber den Status quo dieser Theorie ein Bild mach en mochte. Es wird da her grosste Sorgfalt und Zuriickhaltung geiibt in der Entwicklung des mathematischen Formalismus. Das zentrale Anliegen der Theorie die Vermittlung zwischen musikalischer Form und ihrer Bedeutung bleibt stets im Mittelpunkt der Darstellung. Der Status quo...
Geometrie der Tone ist die aktualisierte und ausgearbeitete Fassung einer interdisziplinaren Vorlesung iiber Mathematische Musiktheorie an der Univers...
Ansichten eines Hirns ist das Resultat einer Informationsreise zu den wichtigsten europaischen Zentren der Hirnforschung. Wir konnten da- raus die aktuellsten Perspektiven der Spezialisten in Erfahrung bringen. Es galt, die wesentlichen Erkenntnisse der Fachleute aus der Fulle ihrer Arbeiten herauszuschalen, miteinander in Beziehung zu setzen und daraus - so weit wie moglich - ein Netz von Zusammenhangen zu knupfen. Der Kern dieser Aufgabe bestand darin, den babylonischen Sprachdschungel einander fremd geworden er Einzelwissenschaftler zu entwirren, um Ihnen den Weg zu einem kunftigen Dialog...
Ansichten eines Hirns ist das Resultat einer Informationsreise zu den wichtigsten europaischen Zentren der Hirnforschung. Wir konnten da- raus die akt...
This first book on this topic is a comprehensive reference on the state of the art. The topics addressed include counterpoint, the first-species model, quasipolarities and interval dichotomies, graphs and transformations, and hypergesture homology. The theory presented also develops counterpoint models for new consonance-dissonance dichotomies. The book is suitable for graduate courses, the authors have a supporting Java implementation available online.
This first book on this topic is a comprehensive reference on the state of the art. The topics addressed include counterpoint, the first-species model...
The book opens with a short introduction to Indian music, in particular classical Hindustani music, followed by a chapter on the role of statistics in computational musicology. The authors then show how to analyze musical structure using Rubato, the music software package for statistical analysis, in particular addressing modeling, melodic similarity and lengths, and entropy analysis; they then show how to analyze musical performance. Finally, they explain how the concept of seminatural composition can help a music composer to obtain the opening line of a raga-based song using Monte Carlo...
The book opens with a short introduction to Indian music, in particular classical Hindustani music, followed by a chapter on the role of statistics...
This book offers a new approach to musical creativity, dealing with software and the semiotics and mathematical principles of creativity. The text is supported with musical score examples, and the authors' sound and video examples are freely available online.
This book offers a new approach to musical creativity, dealing with software and the semiotics and mathematical principles of creativity. The text is ...
Introducing mathematics for music theorists, this book covers basic topics such as sets and functions, universal properties, numbers and recursion, graphs, groups, rings, matrices and modules, continuity, calculus and gestures. Each concept is illustrated by examples from music theory, composition and gestural performance. Exercises are included.
Introducing mathematics for music theorists, this book covers basic topics such as sets and functions, universal properties, numbers and recursion, gr...