Time and again, philosophy, in trying to untangle the issues surrounding the an- alytic-synthetic distinction, has doubted that such a distinction can significantly be drawn at all. We think, in face of the varied and age-old discussions on it, that such reflections amount only to one more documentation of the tenacity of the problems behind this distinction. We could even be justified in promoting the thesis that this distinction refers to the complex relationship between the universe of meanings and the universe of objects and thus concerns each domain of human thinking where a form of...
Time and again, philosophy, in trying to untangle the issues surrounding the an- alytic-synthetic distinction, has doubted that such a distinction can...
I. Some Characteristic Features of the Passage From the 18th to the 19th Century 1. The following notes grew out of reflections which first led us to send out invitations to, and call for papers for, an interdisciplinary workshop, which took place in Bielefeld from 27th to 30th November, 1979. The status and character of this preface is therefore somewhat ambiguous: on the one hand it does not comment extensively on the articles to follow, on the other hand it could not have been conceived and written in the way it was without knowledge of all the contributions to this volum- which contains...
I. Some Characteristic Features of the Passage From the 18th to the 19th Century 1. The following notes grew out of reflections which first led us to ...
BACOMET cannot be evaluated solely on the basis of its publications. It is important then that the reader, with only this volume on which to judge both the BACOMET activities and its major outcome to date, should know some thing of what preceded this book's publication. For it is the story of how a group of educators, mainly tutors of student-teachers of mathematics, com mitted themselves to a continuing period of work and self-education. The concept of BACOMET developed during a series of meetings held in 1978-79 between the three editors, Bent Christiansen, Geoffrey Howson and Michael Otte,...
BACOMET cannot be evaluated solely on the basis of its publications. It is important then that the reader, with only this volume on which to judge bot...
Vorworte und Einleitungen ahneln oft - und dann werden sie als gut und angemessen empfunden"-, Fahnensprtichen und Bannerlosungen, zuweilen gleichen sie allerdings auch mehr Grabinschriften. Sie sind kurz, und sie versuchen in dieser Ktirze Vergangenheit und Zukunft, Reflexion und Aktion in Zusammenhang, in Bewegung zu bringen und damit bestimmten Leitvorstellungen zum Ausdruck zu verhelfen. Sie sind prag matisch, nicht didaktisch und niemals detailliert. Das vorliegende Vorwort dagegen ist lang, aber dennoch kursorisch. Es entspringt einem einheitlichen Interesse, welches vielleicht am...
Vorworte und Einleitungen ahneln oft - und dann werden sie als gut und angemessen empfunden"-, Fahnensprtichen und Bannerlosungen, zuweilen gleichen s...
I. Some Characteristic Features of the Passage From the 18th to the 19th Century 1. The following notes grew out of reflections which first led us to send out invitations to, and call for papers for, an interdisciplinary workshop, which took place in Bielefeld from 27th to 30th November, 1979. The status and character of this preface is therefore somewhat ambiguous: on the one hand it does not comment extensively on the articles to follow, on the other hand it could not have been conceived and written in the way it was without knowledge of all the contributions to this volum- which contains...
I. Some Characteristic Features of the Passage From the 18th to the 19th Century 1. The following notes grew out of reflections which first led us to ...