Les auteurs devoilent les elegants concepts mathematiques caches derriere des applications technologiques et les replacent dans un contexte historique. Les sujets traites comprennent: la cryptographie a cle publique, les codes correcteurs d'erreurs, le systeme de positionnement global (GPS) et la cartographie, la compression d'images a l'aide de fractals et a l'aide du format JPEG, la reproduction de la musique, les robots, l'ordinateur a l'ADN, l'algorithme PageRank de Google, l'epargne et l'emprunt, la chirurgie au rayon gamma, les generateurs de nombres aleatoires. Un des leitmotivs du...
Les auteurs devoilent les elegants concepts mathematiques caches derriere des applications technologiques et les replacent dans un contexte histori...
Yulij Ilyashenko Christiane Rousseau Gert Sabidussi
A number of recent significant developments in the theory of differential equations are presented in an elementary fashion, many of which are scattered throughout the literature and have not previously appeared in book form, the common denominator being the theory of planar vector fields (real or complex). A second common feature is the study of bifurcations of dynamical systems. Moreover, the book links fields that have developed independently and signposts problems that are likely to become significant in the future. The following subjects are covered: new tools for local and global...
A number of recent significant developments in the theory of differential equations are presented in an elementary fashion, many of which are scattere...
A number of recent significant developments in the theory of differential equations are presented in an elementary fashion, many of which are scattered throughout the literature and have not previously appeared in book form, the common denominator being the theory of planar vector fields (real or complex). A second common feature is the study of bifurcations of dynamical systems. Moreover, the book links fields that have developed independently and signposts problems that are likely to become significant in the future. The following subjects are covered: new tools for local and global...
A number of recent significant developments in the theory of differential equations are presented in an elementary fashion, many of which are scattere...
Zusammen mit der Abstraktion ist die Mathematik das entscheidende Werkzeug fur technologische Innovationen. Das Buch bietet eine Einfuhrung in zahlreiche Anwendungen der Mathematik auf dem Gebiet der Technologie. Meist werden moderne Anwendungen dargestellt, die heute zum Alltag gehoren. Die mathematischen Grundlagen fur technologische Anwendungen sind dabei relativ elementar, was die Leistungsstarke der mathematischen Modellbildung und der mathematischen Hilfsmittel beweist. Mit zahlreichen originellen Ubungen am Ende eines jeden Kapitels."
Zusammen mit der Abstraktion ist die Mathematik das entscheidende Werkzeug fur technologische Innovationen. Das Buch bietet eine Einfuhrung in zahlrei...