The GmeLin FormuLa Index and its First SuppLement covered those voLumes of the Eighth Edition of the GmeLin Handbook which had been issued up to the end of 1979. The present Second SuppLement updates the Index by incLusion of the voLumes which appeared up to the end of 1987. With this Second SuppLement aLL compounds described in the GmeLin Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry in the period between 1924 and 1987 can be Located. The basic structure of the FormuLa Index remains the same as in the previous editions. Computer techniques were empLoyed in the preparation and print of the Second SuppLe...
The GmeLin FormuLa Index and its First SuppLement covered those voLumes of the Eighth Edition of the GmeLin Handbook which had been issued up to the e...
The GmeLin Formula Index and its First Supplement covered those volumes of the Eighth Edition of the Gmelin Handbook which had been issued up to the end of 1979. The present Second Supplement updates the Index by inclusion of the volumes which appeared up to the end of 1987. With this Second Supplement all compounds described in the Gmelin Handbook of Inorganic Chemistry in the period between 1924 and 1987 can be located. The basic structure of the Formula Index remains the same as in the previous editions. Computer techniques were employed in the preparation and print of the Second Supple...
The GmeLin Formula Index and its First Supplement covered those volumes of the Eighth Edition of the Gmelin Handbook which had been issued up to the e...
Unbestreitbar ist die Mathematik eine der altesten Wissenschaften. Aber warum eigentlich? Hatten unsere fernen Vorfahren nichts Dringenderes zu tun als die Ent wicklung von Gedankenakrobatik? Waren nicht erst einmal elementare l..ebensbedurfnisse zu befriedigen: Nahrung, Wohnung, Organisation des Zusammenlebens? Gewiss. Aber genau deshalb entstand die Mathematik. Sie war fur die Menschen wichtig bereits zu einer Zeit, aus der es keine aufgeschriebene Geschichte gibt. Aus spateren Jahrtausenden wissen wir dann genauer, dass Feldvermessun gen nach dem jahrlichen Nilhochwasser die Geometrie...
Unbestreitbar ist die Mathematik eine der altesten Wissenschaften. Aber warum eigentlich? Hatten unsere fernen Vorfahren nichts Dringenderes zu tun al...