This proceedings volume contains a selection of revised and extended papers presented at the Second International Workshop on Nonmonotonic and InductiveLogic, NIL '91, which took place at Reinhardsbrunn Castle, December 2-6, 1991. The volume opens with an extended version of a tutorial on nonmonotonic logic by G. Brewka, J. Dix, and K. Konolige. Fifteen selected papers follow, on a variety of topics. The majority of papers belong either to the area of nonmonotonic reasoning or to the field of inductive inference, but some papers integrate research from both areas. The first workshop in this...
This proceedings volume contains a selection of revised and extended papers presented at the Second International Workshop on Nonmonotonic and Inducti...
This proceedings volume contains revised and reviewed papersbased on talks presented at the first International Workshopon Nonmonotonic and Inductive Logic held in Karlsruhe, December 1990. The workshop was supported by theVolkswagen-Stiftung, Hannover, and provided a forum forresearchers from the two fields to communicate and findareas of cooperation. The papersare organized into sectionson: - Nonmonotonicity in logic programs- Axiomatic approach to nonmonotonic reasoning- Inductive inference- Autoepistemic logic- Belief updatesThe bulk of the papers are devoted to nonmonotonic logic...
This proceedings volume contains revised and reviewed papersbased on talks presented at the first International Workshopon Nonmonotonic and Inductive ...
Die Programmiersprache Prolog hat ihre Bewahrungsprobe im praktischen Einsatz bestanden, und das logische Programmieren hat unter den Programmiertechniken seinen festen Platz gefunden. Worin liegen Attraktion und Nutzen des logischen Programmierens, was sind die charakteristischen Unterschiede zu anderen Programmiertechniken, und welche Rolle kommt der Theorie des logischen Programmierens zu? Dieses Buch macht den Leser mit den Grundlagen und Moglichkeiten der logischen Programmierung vertraut. Die ausfuhrliche Darstellung mit Ubungsaufgaben und ausgewahlten Losungen setzt keine speziellen...
Die Programmiersprache Prolog hat ihre Bewahrungsprobe im praktischen Einsatz bestanden, und das logische Programmieren hat unter den Programmiertechn...