Computer Simulation and Computer Algebra. Starting from simple examples in classical mechanics, these introductory lectures proceed to simulations in statistical physics (using FORTRAN) and then explain in detail the use of computer algebra (by means of Reduce). This third edition takes into account the most recent version of Reduce (3.4.1) and updates the description of large-scale simulations to subjects such as the 170000 X 170000 Ising model. Furthermore, an introduction to both vector and parallel computing is given.
Computer Simulation and Computer Algebra. Starting from simple examples in classical mechanics, these introductory lectures proceed to simulati...
REDUCE ist ein Kompaktkurs }ber die Anwendung dieses Computer-Algebra-Systems. REDUCE ist an den deutschen Universt{ten weit verbreitet und dient zum symbolischen Rechnen mit dem Computer, wie es fr}her nur mit Papier und Bleistift unter Zuhilfenahme eines Handbuchs der Mathematik m-glich war. Studenten der Informatik, Mathematik, Physik, Chemie, der Ingenieurwissenschaften u.a. erhalten hier das grundlegende R}stzeug, das ihnen sp{ter auch das Arbeiten mit anderen Computer-Algebra-Systemen erleichtern wird. Auch Wissenschaftlern, die bisher noch nicht symbolisch gerechnet haben, kann dieses...
REDUCE ist ein Kompaktkurs }ber die Anwendung dieses Computer-Algebra-Systems. REDUCE ist an den deutschen Universt{ten weit verbreitet und dient zum ...
For this set of lectures we assumed that the reader has a reasonable back ground in physics and some knowledge of general relativity, the modern theory of gravity in macrophysics, and cosmology. Computer methods are present ed by leading experts in the three main domains: in numerics, in computer algebra, and in visualization. The idea was that each of these subdisciplines is introduced by an extended set of main lectures and that each is conceived as being of comparable 'importance. Therefpre we believe that the book represents a good introduction into scientific I computing for any student...
For this set of lectures we assumed that the reader has a reasonable back ground in physics and some knowledge of general relativity, the modern theor...
In this book we display the fundamental structure underlying classical electro dynamics, i. e., the phenomenological theory of electric and magnetic effects. The book can be used as a textbook for an advanced course in theoretical electrodynamics for physics and mathematics students and, perhaps, for some highly motivated electrical engineering students. We expect from our readers that they know elementary electrodynamics in the conventional (1 + 3)-dimensional form including Maxwell's equations. More over, they should be familiar with linear algebra and elementary analysis, in cluding vector...
In this book we display the fundamental structure underlying classical electro dynamics, i. e., the phenomenological theory of electric and magnetic e...