The objectives of the Modelling Sub-Group are to unify European research in the field of computer models, to provide the best simplified models in the Passive Solar Working Group's extensive European Passive Solar Handbook and to ensure that these simple models are easy to use for design purposes. It has defined the needs of the research program for a large model and has chosen the Scottish program ESP as a large simulation model to be used as a reference for the analysis of the simplified ones. Each participant has commissioned the chosen model on his own computer and run a very simple...
The objectives of the Modelling Sub-Group are to unify European research in the field of computer models, to provide the best simplified models in the...
In the Last few years, much progress has been made in Learning how to use soLar energy. In photovoLtaics the prospects Look brighter every year and as a resuLt of this, photovoLtaic conferences are attracting increasing interest from the pubLic. The 1980 PhotovoLtaic SoLar Energy Conference in Cannes was the third organized by the Commission of the European Communities since 1977. With more than 700 participants from aLL over the worLd, it was the biggest heLd to date in Europe on photovoLtaics. These proceedings reproduce the SS invited and more than 120 submitted papers which have been...
In the Last few years, much progress has been made in Learning how to use soLar energy. In photovoLtaics the prospects Look brighter every year and as...
This book is the first volume of a new ser ies on solar energy researeh and developnent whieh is earried out in the European Communi ty. The Commission of the European Cammunity's Directorate General (XII) for Researeh, Scienee and Edueation is eurrently implementing, on a eost-sharing hasis, a solar energy R+D programme through eontraets wi th European industry, researeh institutions and universities. This programme eovers the following sectors: Project A Solar Energy Applieations to Dwellings project B Thermo-mech. Solar Power Plants project C Photovoltaie Power Generation project D...
This book is the first volume of a new ser ies on solar energy researeh and developnent whieh is earried out in the European Communi ty. The Commissio...