The 2005 UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity is a landmark agreement in modern international law of culture. It reflects the diverse and pluralist understanding of culture, as well as its growing commercial dimension. Thirty diplomats, practitioners and academics explain and assess this important agreement in a commentary style. Article by article, the evolution, concepts, contents and implications of the Convention are analysed in depth and are complemented by valuable recommendations for implementation. In an unprecedented way, the book draws on the first-hand insights of negotiators...
The 2005 UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity is a landmark agreement in modern international law of culture. It reflects the diverse and pluralist...
Das Werk dient der systematischen Aufbereitung der in der deutschen AWZ und in den Kustengewassern der Nord- und Ostsee geltenden Regelungen des Meeresnaturschutzes. Unter Einbezug internationaler und europaischer Vorgaben erlautert die Schrift die einschlagigen nationalen Bestimmungen und bietet praktische Hilfestellung zur Bewaltigung von Konflikten zwischen Schutz- und Nutzungsinteressen. Neben den Mechanismen des Habitat-, Biotop- und Artenschutzrechts sowie der Eingriffsregelung werden im Schwerpunkt die fur den Meeresnaturschutz relevanten Vorgaben des Fachrechts behandelt, die fur eine...
Das Werk dient der systematischen Aufbereitung der in der deutschen AWZ und in den Kustengewassern der Nord- und Ostsee geltenden Regelungen des Meere...
Der Transfer von Technologie spielt in den internationalen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen eine bedeutende Rolle. Das Buch geht den mit unterschiedlichen wirtschaftspolitischen Ans tzen verbundenen Regelungsvorhaben auf nationaler und internationaler Ebene nach und behandelt u.a. die sogenannten besonderen Technologie-Transfer-Gesetze, die Verhandlungen ber einen Entwurf eines Internationalen Verhaltenskodex f r den Technologietransfer, die Revision der Pariser Verbands bereinkunft, die Entwicklung eines internationalen Schutzes des geistigen Eigentums an Computersoftware und -chips und die auf der...
Der Transfer von Technologie spielt in den internationalen Wirtschaftsbeziehungen eine bedeutende Rolle. Das Buch geht den mit unterschiedlichen wirts...
The 2005 UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity is a landmark agreement in modern international law of culture. It reflects the diverse and pluralist understanding of culture, as well as its growing commercial dimension. Thirty diplomats, practitioners and academics explain and assess this important agreement in a commentary style. Article by article, the evolution, concepts, contents and implications of the Convention are analysed in depth and are complemented by valuable recommendations for implementation. In an unprecedented way, the book draws on the first-hand insights of negotiators...
The 2005 UNESCO Convention on Cultural Diversity is a landmark agreement in modern international law of culture. It reflects the diverse and pluralist...
National implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) provisions has yielded enough challenges for providers and users of genetic resources and associated traditional knowledge alike. The Nagoya Protocal brings novel ideas for resolving the challenges plaguing the Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS) process in general and non-commercial research in particular. This is one of the first books to address research cooperation and facilitated access for non-commercial biodiversity research. It uniquely offers concrete and practicable solutions based on experiences of researchers...
National implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) provisions has yielded enough challenges for providers and users of genetic...
In light of the increased utilization of information technologies, such as social media and the `Internet of Things,' this book investigates how this digital transformation process creates new challenges and opportunities for political participation, political election campaigns and political regulation of the Internet.
In light of the increased utilization of information technologies, such as social media and the `Internet of Things,' this book investigates how this ...