This special issue is the result of the workshop Deception, Fraud and Trust in Agent Societies, held in Bologna on July 15, 2002 as part of the Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems 2002 Conference (AAMAS2002), organized by Rino Falcone, Suzanne Barber, Larry Korba, and Munindar Singh. The workshop included a special track on "Privacy and Protection with Multi-Agent Systems. " The aim of the workshop was to bring together researchers from different ?elds (Arti?cial Intelligence, Mul- agent Systems, Cognitive Science, Game Theory, and Social and Organizational S- ences) that could...
This special issue is the result of the workshop Deception, Fraud and Trust in Agent Societies, held in Bologna on July 15, 2002 as part of the Autono...
This book provides an introduction, discussion, and formal-based modelling of trust theory and its applications in agent-based systems
This book gives an accessible explanation of the importance of trust in human interaction and, in general, in autonomous cognitive agents including autonomous technologies. The authors explain the concepts of trust, and describe a principled, general theory of trust grounded on cognitive, cultural, institutional, technical, and normative solutions. This provides a strong base for the author's discussion of role of trust in agent-based...
This book provides an introduction, discussion, and formal-based modelling of trust theory and its applications in agent-based systems
Cristiano Castelfranchi is one of the pioneers in the theory of goals and goal-directed behavior. His first seminal contributions date back to the 70s, and his work has provided invaluable insights on a variety of topics, such as the nature and functions of mental representations, the dynamics of belief and reasoning, the anatomy of emotions and motivations, power and dependence relationships, trust and delegation, communication, norms, organizations, institutions, and agent-based social simulation. Across all these areas, Castelfranchi's approach has been systematically problem-oriented and...
Cristiano Castelfranchi is one of the pioneers in the theory of goals and goal-directed behavior. His first seminal contributions date back to the 70s...
Henry Hexmoor Cristiano Castelfranchi Rino Falcone
Autonomy is a characterizing notion of agents, and intuitively it is rather unambiguous. The quality of autonomy is recognized when it is perceived or experienced, yet it is difficult to limit autonomy in a definition. The desire to build agents that exhibit a satisfactory quality of autonomy includes agents that have a long life, are highly independent, can harmonize their goals and actions with humans and other agents, and are generally socially adept. Agent Autonomy is a collection of papers from leading international researchers that approximate human intuition, dispel false...
Autonomy is a characterizing notion of agents, and intuitively it is rather unambiguous. The quality of autonomy is recognized when it is perceived or...