La frA(c)quence de l'hA(c)moglobine AS a A(c)tA(c) de 10% dans notre A(c)chantillon. Parmi les sujets porteurs d'hA(c)moglobine AS, 8,3% ont dA(c)veloppA(c) le paludisme grave contre 14% des sujets normaux AA (P=0,01). La frA(c)quence du dA(c)ficit en G6PDA a A(c)tA(c) de 14%. Parmi les sujets dA(c)ficitaires 10,53% ont dA(c)veloppA(c) le paludisme grave contre 14% des sujets non dA(c)ficitaires (P=0,04). Les sujets de sexe masculin A(c)taient les moins touchA(c)s que le sexe fA(c)minin soit 8% contre 15% (P=0,03). La frA(c)quence de l'hA(c)moglobine S dans la population dA(c)ficitaire en...
La frA(c)quence de l'hA(c)moglobine AS a A(c)tA(c) de 10% dans notre A(c)chantillon. Parmi les sujets porteurs d'hA(c)moglobine AS, 8,3% ont dA(c)velo...
As the world continues to interconnect, in this modern age, the need for people to understand one another is magnified. Whether for business purposes, entertainment, tourism or any other reason, the more people learn about the world and the cultures that define them, the more they are able to make this world a better place. The languages people speak reflect the lives lived. Understanding people's cultures therefore necessitates the use of language.
This book underscores the importance of using language and literature to enhance cultural understanding. It also discusses the ways in...
As the world continues to interconnect, in this modern age, the need for people to understand one another is magnified. Whether for business purpos...
This book considers some of the substance and dissatisfaction of globalization on Africa. It illustrates globalization as a complex set of processes that involve shifting influence from local societies and countries in some areas while simultaneously endowing local societies and countries with influence in other areas.
This book considers some of the substance and dissatisfaction of globalization on Africa. It illustrates globalization as a complex set of processes t...