Klaus von Beyme is a distinguished German political scientist and recipient of the Mattei Dogan Award of Political Science (2012). In honour of his 80th birthday this book addresses political culture, cultural policy, art and politics. The first part on transformation theory analyses: "Historical Memories in Political Theories," "Historical Memory in Nation-Building and the Building of Ethnic Subsystems," "The Concept of Totalitarianism - A Reassessment After the Breakdown of Soviet Rule," "Political Culture - A Concept from Ideological Refutation to Acceptance in the Soviet Social Sciences,"...
Klaus von Beyme is a distinguished German political scientist and recipient of the Mattei Dogan Award of Political Science (2012). In honour of his 80...
Die Soziologie wissenschaftlichen Ruhms ist weitgehend unerforscht. Ein Versuch, ihn mit behavioristischen Methoden fur die Politikwissenschaft zu analysieren, den Somit und Tanenhaus unternahmen, zahlt zu den Faktoren, die wissenschaftlichen Ruhm bedingen: originelle Ideen, Beitrage zur Syste- matisierung, Anregung wissenschaftlicher Forschung, Publikation vielge- brauchter Lehrbucher und organisatorische Fahigkeiten. Carl Joachim Friedrich wurde bei dieser Analyse - obwohl ihr gelegentlich ein behaviori- stisches bias nachgesagt wurde - von einem grossen Prozentsatz der inter- viewten...
Die Soziologie wissenschaftlichen Ruhms ist weitgehend unerforscht. Ein Versuch, ihn mit behavioristischen Methoden fur die Politikwissenschaft zu ana...
Klaus von Beyme, a highly distinguished German political scientist, has been recognised as a "Pioneer in the Study of Political Theory and Comparative Politics." When he received the highly esteemed Mattei Dogan Award during the XXII World Congress of Political Science in Madrid on 12 July 2012, in his laudatio Rainer Eisfeld portrayed Klaus v. Beyme as a "Global Scholar and Public Intellectual." On the occasion of Klaus v. Beyme's 80th birthday this book offers a selection of his major previously published and new texts focusing on "Empirical Political Theory," "The Evolution of Comparative...
Klaus von Beyme, a highly distinguished German political scientist, has been recognised as a "Pioneer in the Study of Political Theory and Comparative...