The first Joint Meeting of the Austrian and Swiss Operations Research Societies was held at the University of Technology in Vienna, Austria, from 22-24 September 1980. A selection of the papers then presented are published in this volume. The papers included provide a picture of Operations Research as a discipline comprehending various methods and models. The volume is divided into two parts. The first part contains papers on mathematical programming and optimal control theory. Moreover, two papers on decision and game theory are included as well as two on biomathematical to~ics. Being more...
The first Joint Meeting of the Austrian and Swiss Operations Research Societies was held at the University of Technology in Vienna, Austria, from 22-2...
The relationships and interconnectivities between decisions and models from different economic fields lead to a better understanding of the modern field of operations research. The book focuses on modelling as an activity rather than on techniques and programming.
The relationships and interconnectivities between decisions and models from different economic fields lead to a better understanding of the modern fie...
Die Bevolkerungsmathematik hat im deutschsprachigen Raum in den letzten Jahrzehnten - etwa im Gegensatz zur Entwicklung in Frankreich und in den USA - keinen rechten AnschluB an eine nicht unbedeutende Tradition finden konnen. Die vorliegende Arbeit mochte Probleme der demographischen Analyse erneut aufgreifen, diesmal jedoch unter Heran ziehung von Begriffsbildungen aus der Theorie stochastischer Prozesse. Die im folgenden vorgeschlagene stochastische Modellierung demogra phischer Phanomene solI einerseits dem Bevolkerungsstatistiker den Zu gang zu den oft kniffligen Fragen der formal en...
Die Bevolkerungsmathematik hat im deutschsprachigen Raum in den letzten Jahrzehnten - etwa im Gegensatz zur Entwicklung in Frankreich und in den USA -...