Written by an expanded team of leading international scientists, the second edition thoroughly investigates research and therapies for managing adverse physiological effects of air-borne particles on the respiratory tract. The book examines the lung as the gateway for particle damage to organs outside the respiratory system and provide the information needed to understand and combat the numerous and varied ailments caused by inhaled particles.
Written by an expanded team of leading international scientists, the second edition thoroughly investigates research and therapies for managing adv...
Ein simples chemisches Molekul - CO2 - hat sich zu einer Verbindung von hochster politischer und wirtschaftlicher Brisanz entwickelt. Die Universitat Bern fuhrte im April 1995 in Interlaken ein internationales interdisziplinares Symposium uber die CO2-Problematik, ihre moglichen Auswirkungen auf das Klima, die Vegetation und die Gesellschaft durch. Fuhrende Personlichkeiten aus Wissenschaft, Politik, Wirtschaft und offentlicher Verwaltung diskutieren uber globale Zusammenhange des Kohlenstoffkreislaufs zwischen Ozean und Atmosphare, mogliche Reaktionen der Biosphare, Beeinflussung von...
Ein simples chemisches Molekul - CO2 - hat sich zu einer Verbindung von hochster politischer und wirtschaftlicher Brisanz entwickelt. Die Universitat ...
Nanoparticles have a physical dimension comparable to the size of molecular structures on the cell surface. Therefore, nanoparticles, compared to larger (e.g., micrometer) particles, are considered to behave differently when they interact with cells.
Nanoparticles in the Lung: Environmental Exposure and Drug Delivery provides a better understanding of how inhaled nanoparticles behave in the human lungs and body. Featuring contributions from renowned subject-matter experts, this authoritative text describes the sequence of events that nanoparticles encounter in the lungs when...
Nanoparticles have a physical dimension comparable to the size of molecular structures on the cell surface. Therefore, nanoparticles, compared to l...