Computer algebra systems have the potential to revolutionize the teaching of and learning of science. Not only can students work thorough mathematical models much more efficiently and with fewer errors than with pencil and paper, they can also work with much more complex and computationally intensive models. Thus, for example, in studying the flight of a golf ball, students can begin with the simple parabolic trajectory, but then add the effects of lift and drag, of winds, and of spin. Not only can the program provide analytic solutions in some cases, it can also produce numerical solutions...
Computer algebra systems have the potential to revolutionize the teaching of and learning of science. Not only can students work thorough mathematical...
Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) is based on the Auger total secondary electron energy distribution, and an ion gun to process, which involves the core-level ionization of an atom with provide depth profiling capability. subsequent deexcitation occurring by an outer-level electron de- The high surface sensitivity of Auger spectroscopy which dictates caying to fill the core hole. The excess energy is transferred to the need for an ultrahigh-vacuum system is due to the limited and causes the ejection of another electron, which is by definition mean free path of electrons in the 0-3000 e V...
Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) is based on the Auger total secondary electron energy distribution, and an ion gun to process, which involves the co...