Armin Steinmetz Hans Kaffarnik Ja1/4rgen Schneider
A number of clinical and epidemiological studies have shown that disorders of lipoprotein metabolism constitute one of the most important risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. This volume examines the state of the art of lipoprotein subclass metabolism and its relation to these diseases. The authors also report on new developments concerning the role of lipoprotein recptors, macrophages and apolipoprotein E polymorphism in cholesterol homeostasis. The combination of general outline form and very specific aspects of cholesterol transport will interest...
A number of clinical and epidemiological studies have shown that disorders of lipoprotein metabolism constitute one of the most important risk factors...
Armin Steinmetz Ja1/4rgen Schneider Hans Kaffarnik
An intimate relation between hormones and lipoprotein metabolism has been known for a long time especially from hormone-deficiency or -overproduction syndromes. The mechanisms through which hormones influence lipid metabolism have become a field of major interest in sci ence. The more we learn about cellular hormonal actions the better we understand regulatory processes and phenomena occuring in patients. The present book summarizes data discussed at an International Meet ing at Marburg, Germany, on "Hormones in Lipoprotein Metabolism." It was an attempt to pull together knowledge in basic...
An intimate relation between hormones and lipoprotein metabolism has been known for a long time especially from hormone-deficiency or -overproduction ...
Fettstoffwechselst rungen geh ren mit zu den Hauptrisikofaktoren f r die Entstehung der koronaren Herzkrankheit. Das vorliegende Buch enth lt aktuelle Richtwerte zur Behandlung der Hyperlipoprotein mien und neuzeitliche di tetische und medikament se Therapieprinzipien einschlie lich der extrakorporalen LDL-Elimination. Au erdem werden die rheologischen Begleiteffekte einer lipidsenkenden Therapie sowie die Behandlungsm glichkeiten im Kindesalter besprochen.
Fettstoffwechselst rungen geh ren mit zu den Hauptrisikofaktoren f r die Entstehung der koronaren Herzkrankheit. Das vorliegende Buch enth lt aktuelle...