Maggiordomi & Direttori di Casa, Professionisti del 21 secolo e pensato sia per assistere coloro che cercano una nuova gratificante carriera come maggiordomo o, nell'equivalente americano, come direttore di casa, e sia per coloro che cercano di impiegare queste figure professionali in dimore nobiliari, in un contesto alberghiero, aziendale o altrove. Nel sempre piu competitivo e meccanicistico mondo nel quale viviamo, il servizio e spesso il solo differenziatore tra un fornitore di servizi ed un altro. Avere un maggiordomo competente e un modo per sviluppare quel margine cosi importante....
Maggiordomi & Direttori di Casa, Professionisti del 21 secolo e pensato sia per assistere coloro che cercano una nuova gratificante carriera come magg...
Butlers & Household Managers, 21st Century Professionals is designed to assist those seeking a new and rewarding career as a butler or the American equivalent, the household manager, as well as those seeking to employ them, whether in stately home, hotel, corporate setting or elsewhere. In the increasingly competitive and mechanistic world in which we live, service is often the only differentiator between one provider and another. Having a competent butler is one way to develop that much-needed edge. Butlers & Household Managers, 21st Century Professionals is also useful for any man or woman...
Butlers & Household Managers, 21st Century Professionals is designed to assist those seeking a new and rewarding career as a butler or the American eq...
Mayordomos, Profesionales del Siglo XXI, ha sido creado para ayudar tanto a aquellos en busca de una agradecida carrera laboral como a aquellos que buscan contratarlos, ya sea en una inmensa propiedad, hotel, empresa o cualquier otro emplazamiento. En el creciente, competitivo y mecanizado mundo en el que vivimos el servicio es a menudo el unico aspecto que diferencia a unos proveedores de otros. Tener un mayordomo competente es una de las formas de desarrollar ese altamente necesitado aspecto. Mayordomos, Profesionales del Siglo XXI es util tambien para aquellos hombres y mujeres que desean...
Mayordomos, Profesionales del Siglo XXI, ha sido creado para ayudar tanto a aquellos en busca de una agradecida carrera laboral como a aquellos que bu...
Los mayordomos britanicos representan la cumbre en lo que a servicio se refiere. Mayordomos de Hotel, los Diferenciadores del Gran Servicio es el texto que muestra como proveer servicio de mayordomos."
Los mayordomos britanicos representan la cumbre en lo que a servicio se refiere. Mayordomos de Hotel, los Diferenciadores del Gran Servicio es el text...
This fact-based action/adventure novel follows the heroine on a harrowing trail that leads eventually to the group that was not only behind Hitler, but which still controls the powers-that-be today.
This fact-based action/adventure novel follows the heroine on a harrowing trail that leads eventually to the group that was not only behind Hitler, bu...
Serving the wealthy and powerful is not for the faint of heart nor enthusiastically uneducated-it requires know-how developed over a millennium by the very people-British butlers-who have looked after the personal lives of the most discerning and demanding of individuals. In the really old days, failure could result in death; today, it merely results in firing. Yet there is no need for either, as there are right ways to conduct oneself and engage with employers, their families, and guests; and right ways to look after their prized possessions and beautiful properties. Whether looking back at...
Serving the wealthy and powerful is not for the faint of heart nor enthusiastically uneducated-it requires know-how developed over a millennium by the...