Agent-based modelling on a computer appears to have a special role to play in the development of social science. It offers a means of discovering general and applicable social theory, and grounding it in precise assumptions and derivations, whilst addressing those elements of individual cognition that are central to human society. However, there are important questions to be asked and difficulties to overcome in achieving this potential. What differentiates agent-based modelling from traditional computer modelling? Which model types should be used under which circumstances? If it is...
Agent-based modelling on a computer appears to have a special role to play in the development of social science. It offers a means of discovering gene...
This broad, balanced introduction to studies devoted to organizational consultation enables the reader to compare and contrast different approaches to the study of professional consulting services. Organizational consultation is a type of interaction between two organizations: client and consultant. The interaction of client and consultant is described and explained from the point of view of nine different theoretical perspectives: symbolic interactionism (Mead, Blumer, Turner), Weberian organizational theory, new institutional economics (Jensen, Meckling, Williamson), dramaturgical sociology...
This broad, balanced introduction to studies devoted to organizational consultation enables the reader to compare and contrast different approaches to...
Das Handbuch Modellbildung und Simulation in den Sozialwissenschaften bietet in 37 Artikeln einen umfassenden Uberblick uber sozialwissenschaftliche Modellbildung und Simulation. Es vermittelt wissenschaftstheoretische und methodische Grundlagen sowie den Stand der Forschung in den wichtigsten Anwendungsgebieten.
Behandelt werden realistische, strukturalistische und konstruktivistische Zugriffe auf Modellbildung und Simulation, bedeutende Methoden und Typen der Modellierung (u.a. stochastische Prozesse und Bayes-Verfahren, nutzen- und spieltheoretische Modellierungen) und Ansatze der...
Das Handbuch Modellbildung und Simulation in den Sozialwissenschaften bietet in 37 Artikeln einen umfassenden Uberblick uber sozialwissenschaftlich...