Objective Uncertainty Quantification Ed Dougherty, Lori Dalton & Roozbeh Dehghannasiri
Part VI: Methodology – The Organization and Management of Simulation Validation
Standards for Evaluation of Atmospheric Models in Environmental Meteorology K. Heinke Schluenzen
The Management of Simulation Validation Fei Liu &Ming Yang
Valid and Reproducible Simulation Studies - Making It Explicit Oliver Reinhardt, Tom Warnke, Andreas Ruscheinski & Adelinde M. Uhrmacher
Part VII: Validation at Work – Best Practice-Examples
Validation of Particle Physics Simulation Peter Mättig
Validation in Fluid Dynamics and Related Fields Patrick J. Roache
Astrophysical Validation Alan C. Calder & Dean M. Townsley
Validation in Weather Forecasting Susanne Theis & Michael Baldauf
Validation of Climate Models: An Essential Practice Richard B. Rood
Validation of Agent-based Models in Economics and Finance Giorgio Fagiolo, Mattia Guerini, Francesco Lamperti, Alessio Moneta & Andrea Roventini
Part VIII: Challenges in Simulation Model Validation
Validation and Equifinality Keith Beven
Validation and Overparameterization – Experiences from Hydrological Modeling Jan Seibert, Maria Staudinger & Ilja van Meerveld
Uncertainty Quantification Using Multiple Models – Prospects and Challenges Reto Knutti, Christoph Baumberger & Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn
Challenges to Simulation Validation in the Social Sciences – A critical-rationalist perspective Michael Mäs
Validation and the Uniqueness of Historical Events Josef Köstlbauer
Part IX: Reflecting on Simulation Validation: Philosophical Perspectives and Discussion Points
What Is a Computer Simulation and What Does This Mean for Simulation Validation? Claus Beisbart
How Do the Validations of Simulations and Experiments Compare? Anouk Barberousse & Julie Jebeile
How Does Holism Challenge the Validation of Computer Simulation? Johannes Lenhard
What Types of Values Enter Simulation Validation and What are Their Roles? Gertrude Hirsch Hadorn & Christoph Baumberger
Calibration, Validation, and Confirmation Mathias Frisch
Should Validation and Verification Be Separated Strictly? Claus Beisbart
The Multi-Dimensional Epistemology of Computer Simulations: Novel Issues and the Need to Avoid the Drunkard’s Search Fallacy Cyrille Imbert
Prof. Dr. Dr. Claus Beisbart is Professor for Philosophy of Science (Extraordinarius) in the Institute for Philosophy at the University of Bern, Switzerland.
Prof. Dr. Nicole J. Saam is Professor for Sociology (Chair) in the Institute of Sociology at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.
This unique volume introduces and discusses the methods of validating computer simulations in scientific research. The core concepts, strategies, and techniques of validation are explained by an international team of pre-eminent authorities, drawing on expertise from various fields ranging from engineering and the physical sciences to the social sciences and history. The work also offers new and original philosophical perspectives on the validation of simulations.
Topics and features:
Introduces the fundamental concepts and principles related to the validation of computer simulations, and examines philosophical frameworks for thinking about validation
Provides an overview of the various strategies and techniques available for validating simulations, as well as the preparatory steps that have to be taken prior to validation
Describes commonly used reference points and mathematical frameworks applicable to simulation validation
Reviews the legal prescriptions, and the administrative and procedural activities related to simulation validation
Presents examples of best practice that demonstrate how methods of validation are applied in various disciplines and with different types of simulation models
Covers important practical challenges faced by simulation scientists when applying validation methods and techniques
Offers a selection of general philosophical reflections that explore the significance of validation from a broader perspective
This truly interdisciplinary handbook will appeal to a broad audience, from professional scientists spanning all natural and social sciences, to young scholars new to research with computer simulations. Philosophers of science, and methodologists seeking to increase their understanding of simulation validation, will also find much to benefit from in the text.
Prof. Dr. Dr. Claus Beisbart is Professor for Philosophy of Science (Extraordinarius) in the Institute for Philosophy at the University of Bern, Switzerland. Prof. Dr. Nicole J. Saam is Professor for Sociology (Chair) in the Institute of Sociology at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany.