This book addresses many practical issues in the fixed-income market, some of which are quite important, yet not readily available in the literature in an integral and systematic form. The topics covered include: (l) yield curve models, such as the orthogonal exponential spline model, the two-factor risk model, and the yield decomposition model; (2) actual trading strategies used by leading Wall Street power houses, and forecasting models, such as artificial neural networks; (3) dynamic interest rate modeling and derivative pricing in the Heath-Jarrow-Morton framework with particular emphasis...
This book addresses many practical issues in the fixed-income market, some of which are quite important, yet not readily available in the literature i...
Modern British English words could be analyzed and studied, diachronically or synchronically, from different branches or schools of linguistics or from different disciplines. Phonologically, the analysis and study of Modern British English words are mainly on their pronunciations, syllabifications and word stresses, which were studied broadly and deeply by the predecessors who had fruitful research achievements and rich research experiences. And confined by social and historical reasons, ...
Modern British English words could be analyzed and studied, diachronically or synchronically, from different branche...
With the aim to sequentially determine optimal allocations across a set of assets, Online Portfolio Selection (OLPS) has significantly reshaped the financial investment landscape. Online Portfolio Selection: Principles and Algorithms supplies a comprehensive survey of existing OLPS principles and presents a collection of innovative strategies that leverage machine learning techniques for financial investment. The book presents four new algorithms based on machine learning techniques that were designed by the authors, as well as a new back-test system they developed for...
With the aim to sequentially determine optimal allocations across a set of assets, Online Portfolio Selection (OLPS) has significantly reshaped the...
Polymers have been applied as dielectric materials owing to their light weight, great flexibility, and processability as well as high insulation properties. To enhance their performance for various desired dielectric applications, fabrication of polymeric nanocomposites is believed to be one of the most effective approaches. By controlling the nanomaterial dispersion and interfacial structures with the polymer matrices in nanocomposites, dielectric properties can be tailored for specific applications.
This book reviews representative polymer nanocomposite systems, focusing...
Polymers have been applied as dielectric materials owing to their light weight, great flexibility, and processability as well as high insulation pr...
Le prA(c)sent ouvrage est composA(c) des rA(c)flexions de l'auteur sur le rA(c)gime de propriA(c)tA(c) et celui de l'expropriation en droit chinois. Ces deux rA(c)gimes juridiques constituent un biais par lequel qu'on peut analyser le fond de l'A(c)volution du droit chinois et de ses problA(c)matiques. En 2004, l'amendement de la Constitution en vigueur proclame l'inviolabilitA(c) des biens privA(c)s lA(c)galement acquis par les citoyens. Cet amendement constitutionnel se heurte toutefois A l'abus du pouvoir dans la pratique des expropriations, phA(c)nomA]ne rA(c)pandu qui suscite les...
Le prA(c)sent ouvrage est composA(c) des rA(c)flexions de l'auteur sur le rA(c)gime de propriA(c)tA(c) et celui de l'expropriation en droit chinois. C...