Nonimaging Fresnel Lenses: Design and Performance of Solar Concentmtors; what are we talking about? It is easy to forget that you, dear reader, may not be one of those who work inexactly the same field as we do: nonimaging optics for the concentration of sunlight. You may be a researcher in some optical science interested in the core subject of this book: the world's first practical design of a nonimaging Fresnel lens concentrator. You may not be too excited about the collection of solar energy, but you would want a fuB description of the optical performance of the lens. Which you will get,...
Nonimaging Fresnel Lenses: Design and Performance of Solar Concentmtors; what are we talking about? It is easy to forget that you, dear reader, may no...
Nonimaging Fresnel Lenses: Design and Performance of Solar Concentmtors; what are we talking about? It is easy to forget that you, dear reader, may not be one of those who work inexactly the same field as we do: nonimaging optics for the concentration of sunlight. You may be a researcher in some optical science interested in the core subject of this book: the world's first practical design of a nonimaging Fresnel lens concentrator. You may not be too excited about the collection of solar energy, but you would want a fuB description of the optical performance of the lens. Which you will get,...
Nonimaging Fresnel Lenses: Design and Performance of Solar Concentmtors; what are we talking about? It is easy to forget that you, dear reader, may no...