Ce mA(c)moire a pour objectif d''A(c)tablir un A(c)tat des lieux de l''enseignement de la finance en France: formations proposA(c)es, professeurs, mA(c)thodes employA(c)es, ... La premiA]re partie du mA(c)moire prA(c)sente un panorama des formations financiA]res en France, et permet, tout en remarquant que les A(c)coles d''ingA(c)nieurs et mAame les instituts d''A(c)tudes politiques sont de plus en plus prA(c)sents dans ce domaine, une comparaison les formations universitaires et en A(c)coles de commerce. Dans un second temps sont prA(c)sentA(c)s les rA(c)sultats obtenus grA ce A l''envoi de...
Ce mA(c)moire a pour objectif d''A(c)tablir un A(c)tat des lieux de l''enseignement de la finance en France: formations proposA(c)es, professeurs, mA(...
The area of renal cell cancer has experienced tremendous resurgence. This book provides a synopsis of latest research and innovative ideas for the future in this rapidly changing field, which encompasses medicine, surgery, radiation oncology, basic science, pathology, radiology, and supportive care. The book encompasses tumor and molecular biology, surgery mechanisms, radiation therapy, challenges in the treatment of renal carcinoma, oxidative stress and steroids receptors in carcinoma. The objective was to present a detailed account that would act as a credible source for scientists and...
The area of renal cell cancer has experienced tremendous resurgence. This book provides a synopsis of latest research and innovative ideas for the fut...
An integrated approach to renal cell carcinoma has been presented in this all-inclusive book. The field of renal cell cancer has evolved significantly. This book compiles latest research and innovative ideas for the future in this fast evolving field, including surgery, pathology, radiation oncology, supportive care, basic science, medicine and radiology. It deals with a number of topics including surgery procedures, tumor biology, radiation therapy and molecular biology. It also discusses present and future treatments of the diseases that are on the horizon. The book provides comprehensive...
An integrated approach to renal cell carcinoma has been presented in this all-inclusive book. The field of renal cell cancer has evolved significantly...
This book includes research by internationally renowned experts. They discuss the comparative usefulness of their work in relation to diabetic nephropathy. The book elucidates the new role of oxidative stress in the development of diabetic nephropathy and intrarenal renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) and presents the latest pharmacological interventions in the treatment of diabetic nephropathy. It highlights other significant contributions outside of the RAAS in the pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy including epithelial-mesenchymal-transition (EMT), immune cytokines and AGE/RAGE...
This book includes research by internationally renowned experts. They discuss the comparative usefulness of their work in relation to diabetic nephrop...
This book presents latest insights into kidney diseases. It discusses topics like cerebral-renal salt wasting, congenital obstructive nephropathy, and the role of hemoglobin variability in clinical results of chronic kidney disease which are not generally available in other books. The book is a compilation of informative reviews contributed by renowned clinicians and scientists in the field, which collectively would serve as a valuable tool for nephrologists.
This book presents latest insights into kidney diseases. It discusses topics like cerebral-renal salt wasting, congenital obstructive nephropathy, and...
Renal cell cancer has experienced tremendous resurgence. This book provides a synopsis of latest research and innovative ideas for the future in this rapidly changing field, which encompasses medicine, surgery, radiation oncology, basic science, pathology, radiology, and supportive care. This book targets clinicians, scientists and professionals who have interest in renal cell cancer. The book comprises of surgery mechanisms, radiation therapy, personal data and existing and emerging therapies of the disease. The objective was to present a detailed account that would act as a credible source...
Renal cell cancer has experienced tremendous resurgence. This book provides a synopsis of latest research and innovative ideas for the future in this ...
This comprehensive book focuses on the fundamental and advanced studies in the field of nephrology and kidney diseases. This book is divided into several sections, and primarily deals with basic nephrology and kidney injuries. It elucidates the physiological and biochemical features of renal disorders - all in one expedient resource. Experts in the subject analyze topics of rising anxiety in nephrology inclusive of latest techniques of assessing renal function. The subject of acute kidney damage in nephrology is speedily developing with theoretical studies being translated into clinical...
This comprehensive book focuses on the fundamental and advanced studies in the field of nephrology and kidney diseases. This book is divided into seve...