Many people are unaware of the role nutrition plays in their recovery from substance use problems. Nutrition and Recovery helps clients take control over and improve their health by giving them the tools to change their diet.This manual consists of 14 educational modules, covering topics such as food and mood, nutrition and gambling, healthy body, body image, fibre, fat and much more.Each module has background information for presenters, lesson plans for group discussion and handouts. The modules can be used independent of one another to accommodate clients who may be at different stages of...
Many people are unaware of the role nutrition plays in their recovery from substance use problems. Nutrition and Recovery helps clients take control o...
La nutrition peut jouer un role essentiel dans le retablissement a la suite de problemes de toxicomanie. Nutrition et retablissement permet aux clients de se prendre en main et d'ameliorer leur etat de sante a l'aide d'outils concus pour modifier leur alimentation. Une bonne nutrition peut favoriser l'estime de soi et la croissance personnelle. Ce manuel educatif comporte 14 modules abordant des sujets varies comme la sante physique, l'image corporelle, les fibres, les matieres grasses, ainsi que le lien entre l'alimentation et l'humeur, et entre la nutrition et le jeu de hasard et d'argent....
La nutrition peut jouer un role essentiel dans le retablissement a la suite de problemes de toxicomanie. Nutrition et retablissement permet aux client...
Recovery introduction groups orient clients to group settings in preparation for ongoing treatment. Introduction to Recovery will help staff facilitate these recovery introduction groups within withdrawal management settings, allowing clients to experience personal growth, and gain the self-esteem and insights needed to make informed lifestyle changes.This guide is made up of ten psychoeducational modules: Withdrawal and the Next Step, Group, Early Recovery, The 12 Steps, General Wellness, Nutrition, Relaxation for Recovery, Spirituality, Continuing Care and Denial.Each module includes:...
Recovery introduction groups orient clients to group settings in preparation for ongoing treatment. Introduction to Recovery will help staff facilitat...
Les groupes d'introduction au processus de retablissement permettent aux clients de se preparer en vue du traitement de groupe. Introduction au retablissement aide le personnel des services de gestion du sevrage a animer des groupes de ce genre, pour permettre aux clients de s'epanouir, de renforcer leur estime de soi et de prendre des decisions en connaissance de cause. Ce guide comprend dix modules psychoeducatifs: le sevrage et la prochaine etape, l'intervention de groupe, le debut du retablissement, les 12 etapes, le mieuxetre, la nutrition, la relaxation, la spiritualite, les soins...
Les groupes d'introduction au processus de retablissement permettent aux clients de se preparer en vue du traitement de groupe. Introduction au retabl...
With over 30 albums, movies and countless videos to his name, Prince is one of the most prolific artists of our generation. Once a pioneer in the internet music space, Prince was recently quoted as saying..."The internet is completely over." 4 hardcore Prince fans get together to discuss and debate his online decisions, his relevancy to todays music industry and if his biggest fans really respect his musical privacy.
With over 30 albums, movies and countless videos to his name, Prince is one of the most prolific artists of our generation. Once a pioneer in the inte...
"Descubre como puede ser unido con Dios" Santa Teresa de Avila ha escrito de sus experiencias misticas y el uso de meditacion para conocer de Dios. En Ese Libro: -Va a aprender de meditacion cristiana y el sabiduria de Santa Teresa -Encontrar instrucciones en meditacion y 30 meditaciones para practicar -Referencias para aumentar su experiencia -Empezar su viaje en el Camino de Perfeccion. "Discover how you can become One with God" Santa Teresa of Avila wrote of her mystical experiences and the use of meditation to know the Lord. In this book: -You will learn about Christian meditation and the...
"Descubre como puede ser unido con Dios" Santa Teresa de Avila ha escrito de sus experiencias misticas y el uso de meditacion para conocer de Dios. En...
Provides an overview of the progress made in molecular medicine applying genetics and genomics to the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of human diseases. Specifically, the methods for identifying genes involved in human diseases are described. Examples from 10 genes and diseases are provided, drawing on the author's research.
Provides an overview of the progress made in molecular medicine applying genetics and genomics to the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of human...