Pheochromocytoma is a rare neuroendocrine tumor with a highly variable presentation. There is lack of agreement about the most efficient and cost-effective methods for diagnosis and localization of the tumor, which can be lethal if not identified and treated promptly.Autopsy studies indicate that up to 50% of all cases remain undiagnosed until death.
Between 30 and 35% of the tumors have a hereditary basis. Development of malignancy is highly variable -- from less than 5% to more than 50% depending on the mutation; there is currently no effective cure.
This volume...
Pheochromocytoma is a rare neuroendocrine tumor with a highly variable presentation. There is lack of agreement about the most efficient and cost-effe...
Based on the most novel approaches and cutting-edge clinical and scientific information regarding radionuclide imaging and therapies for neuroendocrine tumors, this clinical guidebook represents a unique collaborative effort between endocrinologists, nuclear physicians, oncologists, surgeons, physicists, radio-pharmacists and geneticists. It begins with the embryology, classification and molecular genetics of gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors and carcinoids, chromaffin cell tumors, and MEN1- and MEN2-related tumors. Following a chapter on radiopharmaceuticals in neuroendocrine...
Based on the most novel approaches and cutting-edge clinical and scientific information regarding radionuclide imaging and therapies for neuroendocrin...