Jean Jacques Rousseau Jean-Jacques Rousseau Christopher Kelly
Contains the Social Contract, as well as the first English translation of Rousseau's early Discourse on the Virtue Most Necessary for a Hero, numerous previously untranslated political fragments, and the first draft of the Social Contract (the so-called Geneva Manuscript). By placing Rousseau's famous exposition of "political right" and the "general will" in the context of his preparatory drafts, the editors provide significant insight into the formation of one of the most important and influential works in Western political thought.
Contains the Social Contract, as well as the first English translation of Rousseau's early Discourse on the Virtue Most Necessary for a Hero, numerous...
"I am now alone on earth, no longer having any brother, neighbor, friend, or society other than myself" proclaimed Rousseau in Reveries of the Solitary Walker. Reveries, along with Botanical Writings and Letter to Franquieres, were all written at the end of his life, a period when Rousseau renounced his occupation as author and ceased publishing his works. Presenting himself as an unwilling societal outcast, he nonetheless crafted each with a sharp eye on his readership. Whether addressing himself, a mother hoping to interest her child in botany, or a confused young nobleman, his dialogue...
"I am now alone on earth, no longer having any brother, neighbor, friend, or society other than myself" proclaimed Rousseau in Reveries of the Solitar...
The Everyman Paperback Classics series offers the latest scholarship on the works of the world's greatest poets, writers and philosophers. Each edition includes a comprehensive introduction, chronology, notes, appendix, critical responses, and a text summary. Presented in an affordable edition with wide format pages for generous margins for notes. Contact your sales rep or call Tuttle for a complete list of available titles.
The Everyman Paperback Classics series offers the latest scholarship on the works of the world's greatest poets, writers and philosophers. Each editio...
This volume brings together three of Rousseau's most important political writings--The Social Contract and The First Discourse (Discourse on the Sciences and Arts) and The Second Discourse (Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality)--and presents essays by major scholars that shed light on these texts.
This volume brings together three of Rousseau's most important political writings--The Social Contract and The First Discourse (Discourse on the Scien...
The Everyman Paperback Classics series offers the latest scholarship on the works of the world's greatest poets, writers and philosophers. Each edition includes a comprehensive introduction, chronology, notes, appendix, critical responses, and a text summary. Presented in an affordable edition with wide format pages for generous margins for notes. Contact your sales rep or call Tuttle for a complete list of available titles.
The Everyman Paperback Classics series offers the latest scholarship on the works of the world's greatest poets, writers and philosophers. Each editio...
The Confessions is an autobiographical book by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. It is divided into two parts, each consisting of six books. Rousseau's work is notable as one of the first major autobiographies. "I have resolved on an enterprise which has no precedent, and which, once complete, will have no imitator. My purpose is to display to my kind a portrait in every way true to nature, and the man I shall portray will be myself."
The Confessions is an autobiographical book by Jean-Jacques Rousseau. It is divided into two parts, each consisting of six books. Rousseau's work is n...
Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men (Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inegalite parmi les hommes) by philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau discusses two types of inequality, natural or physical and moral or political. Rousseau's focus is given more to moral inequality than of the natural inequality, the natural being that which involves differences between one man's strength or intelligence and that of another as a product of nature. He argues that moral inequality is endemic to a civil society and causes differences in power and wealth. Rousseau take a cynical...
Discourse on the Origin and Basis of Inequality Among Men (Discours sur l'origine et les fondements de l'inegalite parmi les hommes) by philosopher Je...
One of history's most prominent and important figures, this book gives an insightful glimpse into the life of the man who was Jean Jacques Rousseau.
One of history's most prominent and important figures, this book gives an insightful glimpse into the life of the man who was Jean Jacques Rousseau.