On a distant planet in the future, the last of humanity survives behind The God Wall, an immense structure protecting the last remaining city. Protecting the God Wall is Ian, a mysterious woman found deep within the desert, ten years before, who has no memory of who she once was. Outside of the wall is the Great Decay, a vast desert inhabited by creatures of unimaginable size, constantly testing the wall, looking for any weakness, and killing anything around it. What also exists in the Great Decay are the remains of the Bondsman, failed Synthetic creatures created to protect the humans from a...
On a distant planet in the future, the last of humanity survives behind The God Wall, an immense structure protecting the last remaining city. Protect...
The second book in the bestselling Leaves Trilogy: Man to Leaves Who was Kai? Who was Sasha? They and others hold the answer to what Ian has become, and Mnieshi, the leader Of the Synthetics, whose destiny will be written? Set before the events of Silent Leaves, Earth and humanity rule over the galaxy with an iron fist. The wounds caused by a war between Synthetic and human is still fresh. Kai, the last of an extinct race known only as Exceptions, is called upon to verify the origin of a mysterious woman found in deep space. The woman is neither human nor Synthetic, but her true identity may...
The second book in the bestselling Leaves Trilogy: Man to Leaves Who was Kai? Who was Sasha? They and others hold the answer to what Ian has become, a...