The Social Costs approach to the globalize capitalist market economy has gained new relevance in recent years. The present situation is one of widespread and increasing deterioration of the social, cultural, democratic, and environmental frameworks of advanced capitalist market societies. This deterioration is indicated by the threats of unemployment, precarious working conditions and increasing income/status inequality, uneven geographical developments, and the exploitation and undermining of the institutional fabric of the society. It is aggravated by the rapid extension - at local,...
The Social Costs approach to the globalize capitalist market economy has gained new relevance in recent years. The present situation is one of widespr...
After the end of the Cold War, the world has experienced a more mono-polar power structure. In contrast to promises of a peaceful 'one' world, this seems not to have provided more international justice and security, nor reduced international conflict. Defense-related issues, long given minor attention in economics, have surfaced rather as a central mechanism in the current stage of globalization. Increase in military expenditures, the multiplication of wars, new generations of sophisticated weapons, and increased interest for defense stocks at the financial markets, indicate that a new type...
After the end of the Cold War, the world has experienced a more mono-polar power structure. In contrast to promises of a peaceful 'one' world, this se...
There has never been a better time for the social fabric matrix. As this book is being published, the idea that unregulated market capitalism leads to the best of all possible worlds has been thoroughly discredited. A series of economic and social problems have come to the forefront of national discussion and policy debates. There is now widespread acceptance that human activity, particularly the consu- tion of nonrenewable energy resources, has contributed to global warming. The lack of oversight of the financial industry encouraged reckless practices that endangered the stability of the...
There has never been a better time for the social fabric matrix. As this book is being published, the idea that unregulated market capitalism leads to...
This book deals with the current crises from a somewhat different the usual perspectives. It claims that causes and policy implications of these crises cannot be properly assessed by focusing on allocative efficiency or income growth alone; it requires a more general approach, based on social costs. It does not deal with social costs according to the Pigouvian or the Coasian traditions. It draws on the work of Original Institutional Economics (OIE) such as Thorstein Veblen, Karl William Kapp, and Karl Polanyi, on Post-Keynesians such as Hyman Minsky and, in general, on...
This book deals with the current crises from a somewhat different the usual perspectives. It claims that causes and policy implica...
Industrial Policies after 2000 investigates industrial policy during a time of deregulation, privatization and a growing interest in small government. This book brings together scholarship from different countries, different institutional contexts, and different theoretical perspectives. That includes the neoclassical market' approach, game theoretical models, and institutional economics.
Industrial Policies after 2000 investigates industrial policy during a time of deregulation, privatization and a growing interest in small go...
This book deals with the current crises from a somewhat different the usual perspectives. It claims that causes and policy implications of these crises cannot be properly assessed by focusing on allocative efficiency or income growth alone; it requires a more general approach, based on social costs. It does not deal with social costs according to the Pigouvian or the Coasian traditions. It draws on the work of Original Institutional Economics (OIE) such as Thorstein Veblen, Karl William Kapp, and Karl Polanyi, on Post-Keynesians such as Hyman Minsky and, in general, on authors who have...
This book deals with the current crises from a somewhat different the usual perspectives. It claims that causes and policy implications of these cr...
Current analyses of the global capitalist market economy are overdue to be undertaken making use of the powerful analytic frame of Karl William Kapp's open systems economics. 'Social Costs and Public Action in Modern Capitalism' examines this approach from the theoretical, conceptual, empirical, policy and case study levels.
Current analyses of the global capitalist market economy are overdue to be undertaken making use of the powerful analytic frame of Karl William Kapp's...
Eine okonomisch, okologisch und sozial nachhaltige Entwicklung setzt neue und komplexe Formen der Koordination zwischen Akteuren voraus, die weit uber die Informations- und Koordinierungsleistungen von Markten und Preisen hinausgehen. Unternehmen haben auf globale und nationale De-Regulierungen, die Verbreitung von Netztechnologien und systemischen Innovationen sowie auf erhohte Umweltturbulenzen langst mit komplexeren, kollektiveren Formen der Koordination reagiert, v.a. mit regionalisierter Clusterung sowie Kooperation und Netzwerkbildung. Gelungene Vernetzungen...
Eine okonomisch, okologisch und sozial nachhaltige Entwicklung setzt neue und komplexe Formen der Koordination zwischen Akteuren voraus, die weit uber...
Industrial Policies after 2000 investigates industrial policy during a time of deregulation, privatization and a growing interest in small government. This book brings together scholarship from different countries, different institutional contexts, and different theoretical perspectives. That includes the neoclassical market' approach, game theoretical models, and institutional economics.
Industrial Policies after 2000 investigates industrial policy during a time of deregulation, privatization and a growing interest in small go...
1 Bis zum Ende der 70er Jahre galt Ostwestfalen-Lippe ) als eine Region ohne besondere wirtschaftliche Probleme. Weder im Rahmen der raumstrukturellen Bestandsaufnahme, wie sie innerhalb der Raumordnungsberichte der Bundesregierung bzw. innerhalb des Bun desraumordnungsprogramms vorgenommen wurden, noch im Rahmen ver gleichender Regionalanalysen stach OWL besonders hervor, weder zur positiven Seite noch zur negativen. Erstmals wies im Jahr 1980 eine Studie des DGB-Landesbezirks Nordrhein-Westfalen auf die Gefahr drohender Strukturprobleme fur die Zukunft hin.2) Und in der Tat deuten seit...
1 Bis zum Ende der 70er Jahre galt Ostwestfalen-Lippe ) als eine Region ohne besondere wirtschaftliche Probleme. Weder im Rahmen der raumstrukturellen...