The modem geological sciences are characterized by extraordinarily rapid prog ress, as well as by the development and application of numerous new and refined methods, most of them handling an enormous amount of data available from all the continents and oceans. Given this state of affairs, it searns inevitable that rnany students and profes sionals tend to become experts in relatively narrow fields and thereby are in danger of losing a broad view of current knowledge. The abundance of new books and symposium volumes testifies to this trend toward specialization. However, many geologie...
The modem geological sciences are characterized by extraordinarily rapid prog ress, as well as by the development and application of numerous new and ...
The modem geological sciences are characterized by extraordinarily rapid prog ress, as well as by the development and application of numerous new and refined methods, most of them handling an enormous amount of data available from all the continents and oceans. Given this state of affairs, it searns inevitable that rnany students and profes sionals tend to become experts in relatively narrow fields and thereby are in danger of losing a broad view of current knowledge. The abundance of new books and symposium volumes testifies to this trend toward specialization. However, many geologie...
The modem geological sciences are characterized by extraordinarily rapid prog ress, as well as by the development and application of numerous new and ...