E. GRUNDMANN On behalf of the "Gesellschaft zur Bekampfung der Krebskrankheiten Nordrhein- Westfalen e. V. " I welcome you in Dusseldorf. During these two days problems of oncogenesis have to be discussed. The participants have been selected with the inten- tion of giving a review of the various fields which have some bearing on this topic. So you see here biochemists, cytologists, pathologists, immunologists, pharmacologists, virologists, and so on. Only by extensive cooperation of all scientists concerned in this field can this difficult problem of carcinogenesis ever be cleared up. Once...
E. GRUNDMANN On behalf of the "Gesellschaft zur Bekampfung der Krebskrankheiten Nordrhein- Westfalen e. V. " I welcome you in Dusseldorf. During these...
The Pros and Cons of Cancer Registration E. Grundmann It may seem strange for somebody to hold a symposium on cancer regis- tration and then submit a paper under the heading "The Pros and Cons of Cancer Registration." Indeed, this may be quite amazing to those of my colleagues who have been endeavoring for years or decades to provide a world-wide system of cancer registration. To be quite frank, this is exactly what I intended. Generally speaking, as scientists we are convinced that the work we do is worth while. We are in fact supported in this attitude by pub- lic opinion, if one bears in...
The Pros and Cons of Cancer Registration E. Grundmann It may seem strange for somebody to hold a symposium on cancer regis- tration and then submit a ...
Bone Tumors - A Challenge for Cooperation E. GRUNDMANN Among the wide variety of human tumors, those of the skeletal system have an exceptional position in several respects. Above all, they are comparatively rare, and that is why reliable diagnostic criteria were compiled only recently, that is during the last three decades. It is only five years since the outlines of an international code of classi- fication were traced. The code was applied and discussed critically and with varying results by several international working groups. Cer- tain drawbacks are due to the broad and manifold...
Bone Tumors - A Challenge for Cooperation E. GRUNDMANN Among the wide variety of human tumors, those of the skeletal system have an exceptional positi...
E. GRUNDMANN, and W. VAHLENSIECK In recent years tumors of the male genital system have acquired a new scientific importance in many respects: First, epidemiologic studies have revealed a striking increase of prostate carcinoma in northwestern Europe and in the USA; it is now counted among the most frequent malig- nant tumors in males. Geographic and ethnic distributions suggest that this tumor, too, may be triggered by exogenous factors of a still unknown nature. Histologic classification of malignant tumors of the prostate and testes has attained a certain finality, and the clinical...
E. GRUNDMANN, and W. VAHLENSIECK In recent years tumors of the male genital system have acquired a new scientific importance in many respects: First, ...
Progress in science is often promoted by a new method. Diagnostic cytology, however, developed slowly over a whole century, mainly in differentiating malignant from benign cells from various tissues. The decisive step in this development was the intensive investigation of one local- ization by Papanicolaou: The application of cytology for screening in the field of gynecologic oncology made it an acknowledged technique. Consequently, materials inves- tigated before were tested again on a larger scale and new ones were included into the program. The possibility of a wide-range application of...
Progress in science is often promoted by a new method. Diagnostic cytology, however, developed slowly over a whole century, mainly in differentiating ...
Tabelle 2. Physiko-chemische Eigenschaften von onkogenen DNS-Viren a Papovaviren Adenoviren Herpesviren Papilloma- Polyoma- Virus (Sub- SV40 (Sub- gruppe A) gruppe B) Molekulargewicht des 40 17-25 175 6 Virions x 10 Dalton Durchmesser (nm) 53 43 70-90 ohne Envelope 100 mit Envelope 150 - 200 Virion ohne ohne ohne mit Envelope Envelope Envelope Envelope DNS-Anteil am Partikel 12 12 12 7 (%) Anzahl der Kapsomere 72 72 252 162 Molekulargewicht 5 2. 5-3 20-25 100 6 der DNS x 10 DNS-Struktur doppelstriingig doppelstriingig ringfiirmig linear GC-Gehalt der DNS 49 41-49 48-57 45-74 (%) a Teilweise...
Tabelle 2. Physiko-chemische Eigenschaften von onkogenen DNS-Viren a Papovaviren Adenoviren Herpesviren Papilloma- Polyoma- Virus (Sub- SV40 (Sub- gru...