Cellular and Histopathologic Consequences of Immunologically Induced Experimental Glomerulonephritis. With 14 Figures.- The Terminology of Glomerulonephritis—A Review. With 3 Figures.- The Immunohistology of Glomerulonephritis—Distinctive Marks and Variability. With 10 Figures and 9 Plates.- Electron Microscopy of Glomerulonephritis. With 24 Figures.- The Morphologic Course of Different Glomerulonephritides (Examination of Repeat Biopsies in 264 Patients). With 25 Figures.- Role of the Renin-Angiotensin System in Renal Hypertension. An Experimental Approach. With 20 Figures.- New Clinical Syndromes under Regular Intermittent Hemodialysis. With 12 Figures.