This introductory course on quantum mechanics is the basic lecture that precedes and completes the author's second book Advanced Quantum Mechanics. This new edition is up-to-date and has been revised. Coverage meets the needs of students by giving all mathematical steps and worked examples with applications throughout the text as well as many problems at the end of each chapter. It contains nonrelativistic quantum mechanics and a short treatment of the quantization of the radiation field. Besides the essentials, the book also discusses topics such as the theory of measurement, the Bell...
This introductory course on quantum mechanics is the basic lecture that precedes and completes the author's second book Advanced Quantum Mechanics....
Characteristic of Schwabl s work, this volume features a compelling mathematical presentation in which all intermediate steps are derived and where numerous examples for application and exercises help the reader to gain a thorough working knowledge of the subject. The treatment of relativistic wave equations and their symmetries and the fundamentals of quantum field theory lay the foundations for advanced studies in solid-state physics, nuclear and elementary particle physics. New material has been added to this third edition."
Characteristic of Schwabl s work, this volume features a compelling mathematical presentation in which all intermediate steps are derived and where...
This completely revised edition of the classical book on Statistical Mechanics covers the basic concepts of equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical physics. In addition to a deductive approach to equilibrium statistics and thermodynamics based on a single hypothesis this book treats the most important elements of non-equilibrium phenomena. Intermediate calculations are presented in complete detail. Problems at the end of each chapter help students to consolidate their understanding of the material. Beyond the fundamentals, this text demonstrates the breadth of the field and its great...
This completely revised edition of the classical book on Statistical Mechanics covers the basic concepts of equilibrium and non-equilibrium statist...
Das bewahrte Standardlehrbuch in umfassend uberarbeiteter und erganzter 7. Auflage mit zahlreichen neu gestalteten Abbildungen, neuen Kapiteln zur supersymmetrischen Quantenmechanik und Theorie des Messprozesses sowie uber 100 Aufgaben. Neben den Grundlagen und vielen Anwendungen erortert der Autor neue Aspekte der Quantentheorie und ihrer experimentellen Uberprufung. Die explizite Ausfuhrung aller Zwischenrechnungen hilft Studierenden, Quantenmechanik schneller und leichter zu verstehen. Die optimale Vorbereitung auf "Quantenmechanik fur Fortgeschrittene (QM II)" desselben Autors. Im...
Das bewahrte Standardlehrbuch in umfassend uberarbeiteter und erganzter 7. Auflage mit zahlreichen neu gestalteten Abbildungen, neuen Kapiteln zur ...
This completely revised edition of the classical book on Statistical Mechanics covers the basic concepts of equilibrium and non-equilibrium statistical physics. In addition to a deductive approach to equilibrium statistics and thermodynamics based on a single hypothesis this book treats the most important elements of non-equilibrium phenomena. Intermediate calculations are presented in complete detail. Problems at the end of each chapter help students to consolidate their understanding of the material. Beyond the fundamentals, this text demonstrates the breadth of the field and its great...
This completely revised edition of the classical book on Statistical Mechanics covers the basic concepts of equilibrium and non-equilibrium statist...
Die Quantenmechanik fur Fortgeschrittene behandelt die Themen Vielteilchensysteme, relativistische Wellengleichungen und relativistische Quantenfelder. Die stringente Darstellung, mit der der Autor bereits in Quantenmechanik I uberzeugte, wird erganzt durch die Angabe aller Zwischenschritte, zahlreiche Anwendungsbeispiele und Ubungen. Das Buch legt ein Fundament fur das weitere Studium der Festkorper-, Kern- und Elementarteilchenphysik. Die 5. Auflage wurde sorgfaltig uberarbeitet, erganzt und in der graphischen Darstellung vereinheitlicht."
Die Quantenmechanik fur Fortgeschrittene behandelt die Themen Vielteilchensysteme, relativistische Wellengleichungen und relativistische Quantenfel...
Statistische Mechanik ist eine deduktive Darstellung des Gleichgewichts basierend auf einer einzigen Hypothese - der Form der mikrokanonischen Dichtematrix. Auch die wichtigsten Elemente von Nichtgleichgewichtsphanomenen werden behandelt. Vorausgesetzt wird der Kurs Quantenmechanik (vom selben Autor erschienen als Quantenmechanik und Quantenmechanik fur Fortgeschrittene). Zwischenrechnungen werden ausfuhrlich und vollstandig durchgefuhrt. Aufgaben am Kapitelende helfen beim Festigen des Stoffes. Uber die Grundlagen hinaus wird versucht, die Breite und Vielfalt der Anwendungen der...
Statistische Mechanik ist eine deduktive Darstellung des Gleichgewichts basierend auf einer einzigen Hypothese - der Form der mikrokanonischen Dichtem...
This introductory course on quantum mechanics is the basic lecture that precedes and completes the author's second book Advanced Quantum Mechanics. This new edition is up-to-date and has been revised. Coverage meets the needs of students by giving all mathematical steps and worked examples with applications throughout the text as well as many problems at the end of each chapter. It contains nonrelativistic quantum mechanics and a short treatment of the quantization of the radiation field. Besides the essentials, the book also discusses topics such as the theory of measurement, the Bell...
This introductory course on quantum mechanics is the basic lecture that precedes and completes the author's second book Advanced Quantum Mechanics....
Characteristic of Schwabl s work, this volume features a compelling mathematical presentation in which all intermediate steps are derived and where numerous examples for application and exercises help the reader to gain a thorough working knowledge of the subject. The treatment of relativistic wave equations and their symmetries and the fundamentals of quantum field theory lay the foundations for advanced studies in solid-state physics, nuclear and elementary particle physics. New material has been added to this third edition."
Characteristic of Schwabl s work, this volume features a compelling mathematical presentation in which all intermediate steps are derived and where...